Valheim Boar Guide: How To Tame And Breed These Wild Hogs

In Valheim on PC and Xbox, you’re likely to want to tame wild boars. After all, when you first find the stone message that implies it’s possible to do so, how could you not want to work toward becoming a Viking beastmaster? Fortunately, taming boars is incredibly useful in maintaining your survival too. Below we detail how to tame boars as well as, importantly, why you may want to in the first place.

How to tame and breed boars in Valheim

Boars are easy enough to find and kill, but if you want to tame them, you’ll need to do a few things first. To begin with, you’ll need to build a basic pen and make it large enough to hold several hogs. Though try not to place the pen anywhere near torches, as boars are afraid of fire and won’t want anything to do with you if you’ve got them around.

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Next, build a gate or leave an opening in your pen. Go ahead and find a couple of boars and get them to follow you. Once the boars are upset and want to follow you to the ends of the earth to kill you, lead them back to your pen and quickly trap them inside.

With that difficult step behind you, your next job is to tame the boars. To get them on your side, you’ll need to feed them, so drop food like berries and mushrooms into the pen. Keep repeating this process, and slowly over the next few days, their tameness percentage will rise. Eventually, they’ll come to love you and instead want to follow you to the ends of the earth just to be with you. Well, more like they’ll wander around doing their own thing instead of following you, but it would be cool if developer Iron Gate AB let tamed boars tag alongside you on your journey in a future update.

As you keep more boars back at your camp, their pen will eventually fill up with little piggies who eventually grow into adult boars, providing you a consistent and steady supply of meat and leather scraps. This is a handy way to establish a little sustainability in your difficult quest to ascend into Valhalla. Just remember to keep throwing food into the pen for the boars so that they continue to thrive.

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