Valheim Developer Reveals How Next Four Updates Will Shape The Viking Simulator

Nordic multiplayer game Valheim has had a terrific start so far, and developer Iron Gate is looking towards the future. Speaking to PC Gamer, Iron Gate co-founder Henrik Törnqvist revealed more of the game’s current roadmap and how Valheim will grow through Hearth and Home, Cult of the Wolf, Ships and the Sea, and Mistlands updates.

Hearth and Home will be focused on the house building aspect of Valheim, with players able to outfit their dwellings with new building pieces. You’ll also be able to spend more time in the kitchen, with the addition of more food recipes.

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Törnqvist didn’t have too much to say about the second update, Cult of the Wolf, but he did mention that it “will be an update that focuses on exploration and combat with hopefully some new fun and different encounters for the players.”

Ships and Sea will bring more attention to the ocean biome and ship customization, which Törnqvist said will feature more stuff to do on the less-populated ocean.

Mistlands is the final update for Valheim that is currently planned and will introduce a brand new biome to explore. “So it will be new enemies, new items, a new boss, new resources, everything, and that’s what we have planned for this year. So yeah, that’s quite a big task, but we will accept the challenge, so to speak,” Törnqvist said.

By the time Valheim is finished, each new biome added to the game will contain its own boss and players will also have a chance to encounter a few mini-bosses while out exploring. From a technical standpoint, Iron Gate is still examining how new biomes will impact the procedurally generated worlds of Valheim, and if these new sections will end up overwriting locations that have already been visited.

The exact dates for the big updates haven’t been announced yet, as Iron Gate’s short-term priority is to begin fixing bugs in Valheim before moving on to developing the more substantial content. No small feat, for a studio that only has five people working on a game that has seen achieved over two million sales in just two weeks and has seen upwards of 300,000 concurrent players on Steam at its peak.

If you’re just starting out in the Viking survival game, be sure to head on over to our Valheim beginners guide for essential tips and tricks.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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