Valheim's Wholesome Community Establishes Body Recovery Squad To Retrieve Lost Items

Valheim players are combating the frustration of losing everything after death by establishing and dispatching a Body Recovery Squad that ventures out to retrieve all lost items.

The Body Recovery Squad was recently set up through a dedicated Discord server. Their goal is for community members (or operators) to aid players in recollecting everything they lost after dying. This is done by players joining the server, entering a channel called #assistance-application, and pressing the “SOS” button. Once the message has been received, an operator will get in touch with that player in question to organize and execute the item recovery effort.

There are no stipulations for the assistance and it doesn’t matter where a player’s tombstone is located. The Body Recovery Squad, once mobilized, will complete the mission at all costs. Players aren’t required to compensate the Body Recovery Squad; the group does it all for free.

The Body Recovery Squad founder Lucas (aka Rim Jaynor) detailed the rationale behind the group in a brief interview with Eurogamer. After nearly encountering a similar fate–losing everything when battling a deathsquito–but being lucky enough to have “a portal close by,” Lucas thought of the other players who might not escape death and are forced to start over. This thought caused him to establish the Body Recovery Squad as a way to help other players.

“That singular moment, losing everything, can be so detrimental to players and has caused some to quit playing the game entirely,” Lucas said. “I thought to myself, what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if there was a lifeline out there that helped players keep going?”

The Body Recovery Squad currently has 15 operators willing to assist players less fortunate. That number is likely to grow, as Lucas said he received over 50 new operator applications last week. Through the Body Recovery Squad, Lucas is hoping to “foster a great community.”

“We aren’t doing this to make money, we aren’t doing this because we want some reward–we are doing this to help foster a great community,” Lucas said. “It has been such a pleasure so far being able to help other players and give them a lifeline when they get into trouble.”

Any Valheim player can sign up to become an operator through a Google form, though the Body Recovery Squad currently is no longer accepting applications at this time.

About jeremy winslow

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