Valorant’s 2.09 patch is now live, and it brings a limited time game mode called Replication that is live now. It’s a relatively minor update for the game, but it brings some changes to the Breeze map and slightly nerfs the Viper changes introduced by recent updates.
Riot’s ongoing quest to balance Viper continues in update 2.09, though this time it’s actually a slight nerf. Viper got significantly buffed back in 2.06, which made any contact with her toxin powers automatically deal 50 decay. 2.09 has adjusted that number down to 30 decay, because the developers feel that it’s become so powerful that players avoid it at all costs.
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The most significant addition that patch 2.09 brings to Valorant is the new Replication game mode, which sounds like something a chaos-loving modder would come up with. It’s essentially a best-of-nine take on Valorant’s basic game-mode, only all players on a team play as the same agent, and all abilities (except ultimates) are automatically refreshed each round. This mode also features a much-needed “flashguard” if they’re hit by flash abilities twice in a four second window, which prevents them from being flashed for five seconds.
In addition to the above changes, the patch also blocks the gaps above mid-wood doors and A metal doors on the map Breeze. It also adds 60 second tactical timeouts to tournament mode custom games.
Valorant 2.09 Patch Notes
As we tune the numbers on Toxin, we’re hoping to maximize the depth of gameplay around her smoke while maintaining the overall advantage it provides Viper. Before the last change, enemies tended to disregard and simply push through the smoke, but with instant decay at 50, we’ve seen it swing too far in the other direction—where her possible victims avoid it at all cost.
With the below change, we’re hoping to find a balance point where opponents feel that—with the proper coordination and utility usage—they can break through her smoke. Likewise, Viper players will now attempt to stay a step ahead, and counter the enemy’s plans to capitalize on the opening her debuffs apply.
We believe this tuning, along with the bullet damage breakpoints of our guns, we are maximizing her decay’s power when both sides are on full buys. But we remove some of the more outsized effects it had at 50, such as it’s one shot kill combination with the Marshal and its impact in pistol-versus-pistol.
Toxin (Passive) The instant decay inflicted when entering Viper’s smoke or crossing her wall, reduced 50 >>> 30 |
Replication goes live! (please read our complete game mode breakdown)
Blocked vision of the gaps above Mid-Wood Doors and A Metal DoorsSmoothed player collision in various locations
Added tactical timeouts to Tournament Mode Custom Games 2 tactical timeouts can be called per game, per team.Tactical timeouts last 60 seconds.Tactical timeouts freeze all player movements for the duration of the timeout.For technical pauses, the standard Pause Match Timer option is still available.Improved the visual synchronization of bullet tracers and impact effects for Observers This should fix most cases where it looks like a player is killed before a bullet reaches them in our esports viewing experience.Adjusted color of placeable utility on the minimap to match team color for ObserversAdjusted color of names in player loadout HUD to match team colorSpaced the End Game Phase and Pause Match Timer options in Custom Games to prevent misclicksImproved feel on rope ascenders in high latency situationsMinor performance optimizations to UI in matches
Added team colors for placed Agent abilities, for observersFixed issue where Astra’s Nebula was slightly offset once fully formedFixed bullet impacts on Sova’s Owl Drone wings appearing in the wrong locationsFixed issues across multiple Agents with incorrect damage icons for abilities showing up in the killfeedFixed issue where Killjoy’s Nanoswarm audio would cut off if it was destroyed right after activationFixed an issue where Skye’s Seekers did not show how many enemies were affected in the combat reportOmen can no longer drop the Spike or weapons while casting From the ShadowsFixed an issue where Killjoy’s Alarmbot would display flashed visual effects while invisible
Game Systems
Fixed an issue where weapons could be instantly reloaded after spamming orb pick ups Thanks for raising this issue here!Fixed an issue where sound was lowered by 5dB
Fixed 1P snow impacts that occurred rarely in gun fights
Breeze Map
Fixed a number of exploits around the mapFixed an issue where players could sandwich themselves in between Sage’s wall and the Mechanical Doors on Breeze (or Ascent)
Fixed a bug that was causing a player’s leaderboard rank to not show up on their Act Rank badgeFixed a bug that was showing the ranked rating threshold on the leaderbaord for previous Acts Only the current Act should show a ranked rating threshold bar from now on.