Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown DLC Includes OG Character Models

Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown hits PS4 (and PS5 via forward compatibility) on June 1, and with it comes an expansion pack bundling original series content like character models and background music.

The $10 Legendary Pack includes exactly what it sounds like it would. The DLC features a plethora of content from the series’ past, like OG character models and various stages from 1993’s Virtua Fighter and beyond. It also packages the background music and battle UI from the series’ older entries.

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Now Playing: Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown – Official Legendary DLC Pack Trailer

Original series content isn’t all the Legendary Pack comes with. There are also character customization items and costumes, as well as emojis and stamps that can be used in Ultimate Showdown’s spectator mode.

Prior to Ultimate Showdown’s reveal, we chatted with producer Seiji Aoki about the series’ return and what could be next for Virtua Fighter. Aoki also talked about the Legendary Pack (which is a separate purchase despite Ultimate Showdown being free) and possible future DLC plans for the game.

“The new Legendary Pack will launch right alongside the new game” Aoki said. “That pack includes over 2000 customization items, and a ton of new and classic content that celebrates the entire history of the Virtua Fighter series. This includes retro UI, stages, alt costumes, never-before-released background music from the previous games in the series, and all the original classic character models from the first Virtua Fighter–which you can use as special costumes. As for additional post-launch content, there are plenty of items and features we wanted to add that didn’t make it in time for launch, and we hope to share those details in the future.”

Originally released as a PS3 and Xbox 360 game, Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown is an enhanced digital port launching as a free PS Plus title for June. All character models, stages, and cinematic have gotten the HD remaster treatment, and online features have been tweaked to allow for things like 16-player private rooms and more.

About jeremy winslow

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