Warframe Adds Cross-Save With Whispers In The Walls Story Update

Warframe‘s final cinematic expansion of 2023, Whispers in the Walls, brings new enemy types, a new Syndicate, the 55th Warframe, Qorvex, and the most sought-after feature players have been asking Digital Extremes to add for years: cross-platform save. Cross-platform save is now live alongside the launch of Whispers in the Walls.

In December 2022, Warframe released its cross-play functionality that allowed players from different platforms to play the decade-long live-service game with each other. Now, cross-platform save is live for eligible players, which allows Warframe players to merge their Warframe accounts to play on a variety of different platforms. Today, the first wave of players will be able to use cross-platform saves, since Digital Extremes is taking precautions not to overwhelm by opening the floodgates all at once, so it can properly verify that the feature is working as intended. Cross-platform save carries over items, weapons, and quest progression. For more details on the ins and outs of cross-save, eligibility, linking/merging accounts, protocols, and more–check out Warframe’s cross-platform save page.

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Now Playing: Warframe: Whispers In The Walls – Official Release Date Trailer

Today’s update also releases Qorvex, the 55th Warframe. Qorvex is a burly concrete-themed Warframe able to create large enclosing walls, unleash radiation damage with fusion reactors, and evaporate enemies with its unibeam. A new weapon called the Grimoire is released alongside Qorvex. The Grimoire is able to expel eldritch energy repulsions against the all-new enemy faction, the Murmur.

New mission types and a new hub zone are added with rewards that can be obtained with Cavia, the newest Syndicate. Ranking up with Cavia like other Syndicates will reward players with stylish cosmetics. Next week on December 18, Warframe will have its first-ever cross-platform Clan Operation, Gargoyle’s Cry, which will be a narrative event with both old and new rewards.

Whispers in the Walls certainly ends Warframe’s year with a big bang close to the holidays. Be sure to check out our Warframe tips for beginners, next year’s Warframe 1999 expansion inspired by Metal Gear Solid, and Digital Extremes’ Soulframe, which has inspirations from Studio Ghibli.

About Veerender Singh Jubbal

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