Warframe Is Finally Adding Cross-Saves This Year

Warframe celebrated its 10-year anniversary with TennoCon 2023, where Digital Extremes showcased new features and quality-of-life that continue to come to the game. One of the most anticipated features for years–particularly as Warframe released on more platforms–has been cross-saves, and it’s now finally happening.

Digital Extremes announced that cross-save (allowing you to move progression between platforms) will be released later this year. “Players will be able to continue their game across any platform they want, when they want, and how they want with this paramount feature coming 2023,” Digital Extremes said.

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There currently is no exact date or month from the developers, but they are adamant that it will be rolled out this year. “Tenno can keep the grind rolling with old friends and new, whenever and wherever, with this long-awaited feature coming later this year,” Digital Extremes continued.

Being able to bring all of their progress–weapon mastery, mods, Warframes, Alignment choices, Faction Standings, and any cosmetics or decals purchased with Platinum (Warframe’s in-game currency)–is critical for players wanting to move between platforms, especially if they have been playing since 2013.

December 2022 saw the rollout of cross-play for Warframe, so players from different platforms could play together. With the release of cross-saves, players will be further freed up to play wherever they wish.

Waframe Mobile has also been announced to preorder for its 2024 release. Mobile iOS preorders are currently live in the Apple Store.

Be sure to check out our Warframe tips for beginners, so you can start (bullet) jumping right in before cross-saves release, our Warframe Prime Resurgence interview with community director Megan Everett, and our Warframe tier list according to Digital Extremes.

About Veerender Singh Jubbal

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