Warframe Shows Off Teaser For The Duviri Paradox

The massively successful Warframe was featured during Summer Game Fest Live 2022, giving players a chance to see what’s next from Digital Extremes’ online action-RPG. Senior Community Manager Megan Everett introduced the teaser for the upcoming update “The Duviri Paradox.” The teaser itself is vague but shows off a black and white aesthetic, massive sky-devouring serpents, as well as strange masked figures. The voiceover, familiar to anyone who has played Warframe, offers little illumination alluding to “new dangers and new choices.”

More information as well as a gameplay premiere will debut at Tennocon, the Warframe centric convention, on July 16th this year. Watching Summer Games Fest and Tennocon will also drop in-game goodies for interested players. Watching 30 minutes of Summer Game Fest on Twitch will let you access a Protea Warframe, as long as you have Twitch Drops set up on your account. Watching Tennolive on Twitch will let players obtain a Titania Prime Warframe, as well as a Crescent Night Bundle. You can even join in-game during Tennocon to receive The Stranger’s Hood, an item prominently featured in the teaser. Players interested in attending Tennocon can purchase digital and physical merch, which all debuted during the Summer Games Fest announcement.

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Now Playing: Warframe: The Duviri Paradox Reveal Trailer | Summer Game Fest 2022

In the meantime, new adjustments and features are coming to the game’s “Echoes of the Zariman” expansion. The update will address community feedback by reducing Eximus Overguard, improving Void Sling Mobility, adding variety to Zariman missions, as well as plenty of new missions and aesthetic additions. Additionally, the summer event Dog Days Tactical Alert returns today, June 9th.

Warframe has come a long way since its initial release in 2013, having launched on everything from PC to Nintendo Switch and the new console generation. The game has received a steady stream of new content, and it has been free-to-play since its debut. “The Duviri Paradox” is the latest in a long line of expansion-like updates, separate from the more regular changes, for the action RPG. Cross-play and cross-save support are also in the works.

About Gabe Gurwin

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