Warframe's Halloween Event Returns With Abyss Of The Dagath Update

Warframe’s annual Halloween-themed event Nights of Naberous returns, but this year an additional update goes live today with Abyss of the Dagath. Abyss of the Dagath is a free update that tells the story of the headless horse rider Warframe, Dagath.

“Our Abyss of Dagath Update has really come together to be a true spooky month release!” said community director Megan Everett.

Dagath’s abilities allow her to wield Wyrd scythes to hunt down her enemies, as well as deal Viral Damage from Doom’s ability. Grave Spirit increases Dagath’s Critical Damage and her final ability Rakhali’s Cavalry sends out Phantom Kaiths to both damage and decrease the defenses of Doomed enemies.

“It’s been fun to really execute the “headless horseman” theme with Dagath’s abilities speaking to her story and, most importantly, be[ing] fun and easy to grasp for all players,” Everett continued.

Dagath’s Hollow, a new Dojo Room, is ready to explore and pay tribute to the titular Warframe.

Outside of Dagath’s release, the update adds three bundles:

Dagath Collection for 580 Platinum, which includes Dagath, Dagath’s Ganceann Helmet, Aumen Kaith Collection Mount Skin, and Dagath’s signature weapon: Dorrclave.Day of the Dead V: Complete Collection for 270 Platinum, which includes Day of the Dead-themed skins for Warframe Armor, Syandana, and weapon skins.Chiroptera Collection for 145 Platinum, which includes Syandana and Companion skins themed after bats.

This update also brings quality-of-life changes to the Hydroid Warframe and the Companion. The Abyss of the Dagath update will be live by 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT today.

Be sure to check out our Warframe tips for beginners, so you can start (bullet) jumping right in before the game’s cross-save feature later this year or details on Warframe 1999 which is inspired by Metal Gear Solid.

About Veerender Singh Jubbal

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