Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower Getting 3 v 3 Battles Next Month

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower will add 3 v 3 multiplayer battles along with new heroes and new outfits in a large update coming September 15.

The biggest portion of the update is multiplayer, including rankings. In 3 v 3 battles, players will choose three heroes to combat their enemy. You can win by vanquishing each of the enemy’s champions or by destroying all their crystals. With multiplayer also comes a League system. Players will be able to rise in rank and earn rewards based on their performance.

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Additionally, the update will add three Skaven champions: a plague doctor, a mage, and a warrior. For the unfamiliar, Skaven are fan-favorite humanoid rat creatures who specialize in bold assassinations and sneaky shenanigans. The game will also add 50 new outfits–including armors, face paints, and robes–presumably for showing off in multiplayer.

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is a turn based strategy game, based on the Age of Sigmar board game. The campaign tasks players with escaping the titular Silver Tower with the champions of their choice. You can complete quests, gather loot, and vanquish tricky strategic puzzles in order to finally confront the villainous Gaunt Summoner. Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is available on PC, iOS, and Android.

About Grace Benfell

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