Warhammer Vermintide 2 Update 1.23 Brings PS5 Enhancements Including 60FPS

Warhammer Vermintide 2’s Update 1.23 is out now, bringing with it an enhanced version for PS5. Players on the current-gen PlayStation can now expect better visuals, higher resolution, and an improved framerate.

The update is headlined by a significant increase in the PS5 version’s framerate, from 30 frames per second to 60fps. In addition, Vermintide 2 will now run at 1440p on PS5, improved from 1080p in the original version. There are also an array of fidelity and quality enhancements, including better shadows, screen space reflections, and tweaked lighting.

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Update 1.23 also comes with a suite of other tweaks, fixes, and changes. The vast majority of these are bug fixes across heroes, weapons, UI, and various maps. You can see the full list of Update 1.23’s patch notes below.

Vermintide 2 was optimized for Xbox Series X|S back in December; it runs at 60fps across both consoles. It’s also still available through Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Update 1.23 Patch Notes

PS5 Performance Update

30fps -> 60fps1080p -> 1440pImproved shadow qualityMore shadow casting lightsHigher density scatteringScreen space reflections


Fixed some miscellaneous crashes.Fixed crash that would happen when a client tries to lift an AI unit with the Lifestaff that has already been despawned on the server.Fixed a crash that could occur if a player somehow tried to join a lobby as “Prologue Kruber”.Fixed a crash caused by changing skin on melee weapon equipped in ranged slot.Fixed a crash that could occur if a terror event was spawned as a level was being unloaded.Fixed crash caused when SotT gets despawned (dies or leave the game) before a placed Thorn Wall expires.Fixed a crash that could occur if an enemy highlighted by Kerillian’s Trueshot activated ability was killed by another source.

Heroes and Weapons

Fixed some Javelin melee attacks counting as ranged killsFixed Rapier special sidearm shots counting as melee kills.Fixed Javelin automatically issuing a light attack after a charged attack if player has high attack speed.Fixed Bounty Hunter’s ‘Just Rewards’ not working when the ranged crit is triggered with the ‘Locked and Loaded’ ability itself.Bounty Hunter’s career ability animation now scales properly with speed buffs.Saltzpyre should no longer get stuck in aiming (third person) after shooting with the crossbow.Fixed an issue where Sienna would remain fully slowed despite having vented to below the threshold.Fixed an issue where the Trollhammer Torpedo showing the ammunition when out of ammo.Fixed a minor animation issue on Kerillian’s Greatsword where transitioning from light attack hit to heavy charge would cause a frame flickering.Fixed a minor animation issue with Engineer’s piston during reload of Trollhammer Torpedo.Fixed a super minor issue where changing Staff whilst in the air would cause the Staff to glide/animate weirdly.Fixed a minor animation issue where a nocked Arrow could become misaligned with a bow.Fixed an animation bug where Kerillian got stuck aiming with her bows (third person) if shooting too fast.


Fixed an issue where breakable planks/blockades would still be impassable for players who hotjoin a map, despite the party having already broke them, rendering the now joined player stuck further back in a level.


Fixed some Shade items which were presented incorrectly in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders.Blocked the chat window from accidentally opening when the Twitch username textbox has focus.Fixed a graphical glitch in the Twitch vote UI.The extra resource bars (overcharge, energy & career ability) are now displaced upwards whenever Twitch mode is active so they don’t overlap with the vote UI.Changed the Okri’s challenges summary to tally claimed instead of completed challenges. This solves an issue that would show that there were incomplete challenges even though all challenges were claimed.Fixed illusions showing “n/a Illusion” in tooltips instead of the item that they can be applied to.

Chaos Wastes

Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor could remain on-screen and interactive when the player leaves the game whilst the party is in a Map Shrine.Animated Portrait Frames should now properly animate on the Chaos Wastes UI.Player levels should now display properly when invoking the player list within the Map Shrine UI.

Cinder Peak

Fixed some land geometry that just wasn’t up to par.Fixed a spot where terrain wasn’t solid, and adjusted a chest and enemy spawn point to suit.Made optimizations to reduce hits to FPS in areas with a lot of lava.Fixed some bits that weren’t network synching properly.

The Foetid Gorge

Fixed an issue where a player disconnecting with a barrel could softlock the level.Fixed various spots where players and bots could get stuck.Fixed an issue where Olesya could repeat event VO once the event had ended if a player re-entered the area which triggers said VO line.

About Alex Newhouse

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