Watch Streamer Run A 10K In Lord Of The Rings Orc Armor

As his username might suggest, streamer OrcRun has committed himself to recreating one of the most iconic parts of Peter Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings trilogy–its long cross-country running scenes. OrcRun started livestreaming solo runs in full orc armor–modelled after the armor worn by Saruman’s beefed-up Uruk-Hai–last year in an effort to raise money for various charities. Now, the streamer has completed his first 10K race against other people, still proudly wearing his full orc getup.

OrcRun’s Twitter bio describes him as “just a guy who wants to make the world a better place while wearing an orc costume.” He already has a huge number of runs under his belt, each of them raising money for different charities.

OrcRun used the recent 10K race to raise money for The Alex, a Canadian charity providing a number of different avenues of community support. He finished the race in just over 53 minutes, with people both IRL and in the stream’s chat cheering him on the whole way. You can rewatch the whole thing in the Twitch VOD.

While winding down from the run, OrcRun explained that he had some difficulty with the cloth mask he wears under the orc helmet, and that the arm he used to carry the camera for the livestream started to hurt pretty early on. Thanks to donations sent by viewers he managed to surpass his C$1500 fundraising goal for the stream–and then embarked on another run as a “victory lap.”

While OrcRun hasn’t announced any plans for future races yet, he’s already back to running for Twitch and no doubt will be surprising fellow participants in yet more 10K races to come.

About Hayley Williams

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