Nintendo dropped a new trailer for next Zelda game, which included its finalized title and a release date. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is coming on May 12, 2023. But like any good trailer, it also gave fans plenty of fodder for hidden secrets and theories. We’re here to break them all down for you.
To start, the stone carvings that make up the bulk of the trailer are littered with lore references. One of the creatures appears to be a Zonai, a prehistoric tribe that was referenced in Breath of the Wild but never expanded upon. We still don’t know exactly what happened to them but it’s possible that Tears of the Kingdom will shed more light on them. The wall carvings also show Bokoblins and Moblins waging war with a humanoid tribe, which will also probably be expanded on in the full game as we learn more about what happened to the world.
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Now Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Trailer Breakdown
The trailer also made a point to show an arm, which fans have speculated is the same arm we saw in the very first trailer. There are glyphs that probably correspond to real language, but we don’t know the matching symbols so we can’t translate them just yet. And of course, there’s an owl-like figure hovering above it all, surrounded by seven tears. Fans have speculated those could represent the seven sages, seven dungeons, or other important Zelda elements. The carvings also include possible references to a past incarnation of Zelda herself.
The most eye-catching part of the new trailer was probably the stone gliding beast, which Studio Ghibli fans might recognize as a reference to Nausicaa’s glider. We’re not sure if the glider is part of a cutscene or a game mechanic, but it’s an intriguing tease. Then of course the trailer ends with the logo, which includes a depiction of the Master Sword, which looks corrupted. Fans have already speculated a great deal about the corrupted Master Sword, and this just adds more fuel to that particular fire.
For the full breakdown of the new trailer, check out the video above. And for much more on this next Zelda game, including how to preorder, check out everything we know about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
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