What Happened In The Fortnite Event: Chapter 3 Season 2 Finale Recap

Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2 just wrapped up after another explosive finale. The Fortnite event put players in control of The Seven’s reborn Doggus mech suit in a battle for the island. Major story implications have come out of today’s event, so in case you missed it, here’s everything that happened and how to make sense of another explosive story event in Fortnite.

What happened in the Fortnite event?

The event started with players and up to three friends loading into some sort of ship on The Seven’s apparent home base, the moon orbiting the Fortnite island. As The Origin, The Foundation, and Jonesy worked to ensure the final pieces of their plan were in place, players could shoot out asteroids in a mini-game–one which would soon prove to be more of a tutorial. Comically, Jonesy tried to wiggle his way into being an official member of The Seven. He even gave himself a name: The Legend. The Foundation wasn’t really on board, but it didn’t stop Jonesy from trying to make the name stick as the event went on.

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Now Playing: Fortnite Collision Chapter 3 Season 2 Event Gameplay

When it came time for The Seven’s all-out assault, The Origin addressed the team of loopers via holgram, and re-introduced the long-absent Paradigm. That’s right, she’s back! The team’s best pilot took the driver’s seat in the vehicle, which turned out to be Doggus itself, the massive and newly reborn mech last seen (in one piece) in Chapter 1, Season 9. It seems The Origin now trusts The Paradigm enough to give her the keys to the whole operation. She did not disappoint.

As the group barreled toward the island’s home world, players took to their gunner seats once more to clear the way of asteroids and other debris–we even saw a piece of one of The Last Reality’s alien spaceships. Eventually the mech triumphantly made a landing and immediately went on the offensive. As Paradigm charged on from the cockpit, players assisted as her gunners, exploding IO tanks, airships, and other air and ground units. The IO’s numbers were vast, but Doggus pressed on.

After taking on a huge barrage of missiles, the mech was hurting badly and nearly non-functional. Just then, fresh off his weeks of driving lessons, Peely came storming onto the battlefield in a big rig loaded with Slurp Juice. Doggus chugged the healing waters and found itself ready for round two.

Inching closer to the Collider, Paradigm and her squadron continued to clear the air and land of IO baddies, as paradigm unsheathed an impressive new energy sword and took to chopping IO airships like avocados. Slicing and dicing, the mech inched ever so closely to the Collider, hellbent on destroying it before it could destroy all life on the island as intended.

Another massive barrage of explosive rounds proved to be too much for the mech, however, and the ground beneath the mech and the Collider started to give way. Players and The Paradigm barely escaped from the wreck, and were greeted by Jonesy and The Foundation, who led the group up a spiraling interior surrounding the Zero Point, where the Collider once stood. As the group headed up the ramp, flashes from the Zero Point peered into other realities, including a quick peek at a Durrr Burger (the Chapter 1 map?) and a clear-as-day look at a lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader! This seems to have confirmed that the villain will be in the battle pass for Season 3.

As players dispatched more IO forces, Doctor Slone and her tank taunted from above. Having reached the villain, Jonesy tried to reason with her, asking her to lay down her weapons. But it wouldn’t matter. Paradigm was able to operate the mech enough to slam Doggus’ massive fist down on top of Slone, presumably pulverizing her and her tank–though it should be noted we didn’t exactly see her die.

The Zero Point then began to focus on Geno, the presumed true leader of the IO–we’ve heard his name often but this is the first time we’ve gotten a good, albeit still shadowy, look at the mysterious figure. Jonesy and Foundation leaped into the Zero Point destined for parts unknown. They were last seen fist-bumping in a freefall. Their mission will likely linger as an ongoing storyline in Season 3.

Back at the Collider, Paradigm’s team of loopers shot out the device’s energy crystals–they looked like giant batteries, really. Once all four were destroyed, the Collider collapsed and the Zero Point seemed to fall back into Loot Lake, safe and sound–or so we hope.

With that, the game went back into downtime. Now, only a To Be Continued screen awaits players loading into the game. It’s not yet known when Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 officially kicks off, but we can presume, based on past seasons, that checking in sometime tomorrow morning might be a good bet. We’ll see you in Season 3, looper!

About Mark Delaney

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