The Best Yacht To Buy In GTA Online

There is perhaps not a clearer sign of wealth in GTA Online than owning a yacht. As in real life, a yacht is the ultimate flex of luxury in the world of Los Santos. When Rockstar Games introduced the Galaxy Super Yacht fleet, they released three different yachts for players to purchase. All three of these gigantic boats are well worth your hard-earned GTA cash, as they all boast amenities as far as the eye can see. The main differences in the yachts lie in their price and how many features they have. However, as you’ll see, those features don’t drift too far apart from yacht to yacht.

Since the yachts start at the sky-high price of $6 million, players have asked if going for the most expensive yacht is actually worth it or if they can get by with the least expensive. It’s a similar question that players have asked in regards to cars, jets, and any other property available in the online world of Los Santos. In this guide, we’ll be going over all three of the yachts in GTA Online and determining which is the best to buy based on all of the factors.

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The Orion

Kicking us off is The Orion, the least expensive yacht in GTA Online. Of course, the term “least expensive” is used lightly here, as The Orion still costs a whopping $6 million in GTA cash. The Orion, and the other two yachts, are equipped with a 210-foot body and the same basic outside appearance as the two more expensive Galaxy Super Yachts in the game. There’s a sun deck on top for sunbathing or throwing parties but no hot tub, unfortunately. Also on the exterior is one single helipad and storage for two vehicles, the Shitzu Tropic and Speedophile Seashark jetski. On the interior, The Orion is equipped with three luxurious guest rooms. Like the rest of the yachts, you can’t actually drive The Orion. What you can do is pay your captain to park it somewhere and have it ready for you when you want to come aboard at a certain location. You can also complete six A Superyacht Life missions to reduce your overall operating costs and make some money with your yacht in the process.

The one aspect of The Orion that’s truly lacking is that it doesn’t spawn with a helicopter and only has one helipad. While not a huge problem, the other two yachts on this list have these aspects over The Orion. If you’re in the market for a yacht and can spend $6 million, then you can likely also spend another million for the next yacht on this list. This could make The Orion obsolete unless you’re truly strapped for cash.

The Pisces

For one million more than The Orion ($7 million), you can own The Pisces. Compared to The Orion, The Pisces spawns with a helicopter and has two helipads, a hot tub, and space for five vehicles. Those vehicles are the Buckingham Swift (helicopter), Pegassi Speeder, Nagasaki Dinghy, and two Speedophile Seashark jetskis. Aside from the Speeder, the yacht will spawn with all of the aforementioned vehicles, letting you and some friends get to shore or to another location with ease. Having the extra helipad is also nice to either have a friend land on the yacht or to keep a spare in case something happens to your first.

$7 million is considered the sweet spot for the line of Galaxy Super Yachts. You’ll see why when we go over the last yacht on this list.

The Aquarius

The big daddy of them all, the Aquarius is the last and most expensive yacht on this list. The final Galaxy Super Yacht of the fleet costs an eye-gouging $8 million. This makes it the most expensive piece of property you can buy in GTA Online by a country mile. The Aquarius has everything The Pisces has, including the two helipads and hot tub, but has room for seven vehicles instead of five. However, those two extra vehicles are two additional Seashark jetskis, which is really only good for if you have half a dozen friends on your yacht at the same time.

The main point of The Aquarius in GTA Online is to flex on other players. Its price point is relatively unwarranted due to the lack of amenities compared to The Pisces. However, if you’re a collector of the most luxurious items in Los Santos, The Aquarius needs to be your next purchase.

The verdict

As you might have expected from the descriptions of each yacht, The Pisces is what we consider to be the best Galaxy Super Yacht in GTA Online. It features a great price point and is a huge step up from The Orion at one million dollars more. The Aquarius simply doesn’t offer enough compared to The Pisces to warrant it being the best bang for your buck. Unless you truly want to show off your wealth, going with The Pisces is the best option in GTA Online.

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About Joey Carr

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