What You Need To Know About Destiny 2: Grandmaster Nightfalls' Upcoming Return

Destiny 2‘s Grandmaster Nightfalls will begin on April 11, bringing with it two new Adept weapons to earn in this challenging PvE activity. Players will be able to get their hands on The Buzzard, a Kinetic adaptive sidearm that includes perks like Kinetic Tremors, and The Swarm, an Arc machine gun that has the popular Target Lock perk in its roll.

For players looking to gild their Conqueror seal, six featured Nightfalls will be available to them and can be completed as quickly as they would like to, according to Bungie. For players who have yet to earn that seal for the first time, they’ll only be able to complete one Nightfall a week to earn progress towards that achievement.

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With Lightfall having introduced several changes to Destiny 2, Bungie revealed how season 20’s Grandmaster Nightfalls will operate. Players will be capped 25 levels below enemies, who will be at 1840. That means players’ effective power will be no higher than 1815. Like previous Grandmaster Nightfalls, enemies can soak up more damage, deal more damage, and will be more aggressive in combat.

These forces will also be bolstered by “abundant” numbers of Champions, so your fireteam will need to have the proper loadout to deal with these dangerous foes. Only one elemental burn will be active per activity, but this modifier will deal 25% more damage to you if you’re struck by that element. To even the odds, two elemental surges and overcharged weapons will be available, both of which will grant you a 25% damage increase.

Revives are of course very limited, and once a certain amount of time has passed, the power of Darkness will prevent you from resurrecting teammates or being revived yourself. Bungie added that it’ll be tweaking Battlegrounds in the upcoming mid-season patch, to make them more manageable. For Heist Battleground: Mars, expect an additional ammo crate, an increase to the map score multiplier, and a decrease to how often combatants spawn on higher difficulties in the Towers phase.

Other Heist Battleground changes lined up include reducing the frequency and number of some enemy waves in all boss fights, less health for Deathtongue Choristers, and fewer Fallen trip mines in Heist Battleground: Moon.

Plenty of other changes are coming soon to Destiny 2, as Bungie detailed what players can expect in Season 21. Buildcrafting will be tweaked to make activating Armor Charges more efficient, an easier method for obtaining Exotics is in development, and more Guardian Rank changes are coming soon.

Every Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic RevealedSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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