The Fortnite Item Shop has refreshed, and that means new cosmetics are now available. With lots of Halloween-themed items and a few rare skins, here’s what’s in the Fortnite Item Shop for October 13, 2021.
On the horror side, the Lovecraftian Big Mouth returns to the store after they debuted for Fortnitemares two years ago. It’s also the first time since last Halloween that Big Mouth has been sold in the Item Shop, so if you like them, now’s your chance to grab them before they disappear again later this month.
Big Mouth also includes a new Marvel-inspired alternate skin straight out of the Lego video games from Traveler’s Tales. It combines the black and red stylings of Venom and Carnage respectively as a nod to Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2‘s “Carnom” character. You’ll notice if you buy Big Mouth that their rarity is now labeled as “Marvel” for that skin style.
Big Mouth can be had for 1,500 V-Bucks and includes back bling, while his Gnashers pickaxe and Toothsome wrap will cost you another 800 and 500 V-Bucks respectively.
Elsewhere in the ballooning Fortnitemares 2021 shop, you’ll find Rick Grimes is still there alongside his zombie-slaying compatriots Daryl and Michonne. Frankenstein is there too, and will soon be joined by more Universal Monsters such as The Mummy.
The Zone Wars bundle returns after nearly three months away, while the Gangnam Style emote is back after just a month off. Grab it now if you’re feeling nostalgic. Other than that, Epic is content to keep piling in the spooky skins, so the Item Shop is fuller than usual right now.
You can find everything else that’s new in the Item Shop today in this handy tweet from Fortnite content creator iFireMonkey.
For more on Fortnite, don’t miss the 18.20 patch notes or the reveal of an Among Us and Fortnite collaboration coming soon.
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