Where In The Cosmodrome Is Archie's Location In Destiny 2

Many are wondering where in the Cosmodrome is Archie in Destiny 2, and for good reason. The mechanical pup is part of a series of quests introduced with Into the Light, which kicked off during the weekly reset of April 22.

Initially time-gated, the questlines are now available to tackle before The Final Shape releases. If you’re wondering how to complete the Where in the System is Archie? triumph to unlock the Blue Steel shader, this guide details how to tackle the current questline.

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Table of Contents [hide]How to Complete the Where in the System is Archie? Triumph in Destiny 2How to Complete Where in the Cosmodrome is Archie?Where to Visit Shawn Han in the CosmodromeWhere to Find the “Cave Full of Loot” LocationWhere to Find the “Complex Where We Held Off the Hive” LocationWhere to Find the “Old Bunker Door Beyond the Shores” LocationWhere to Find a “Ship of His Own to Take Back to the Last City” LocationReturn to Ada-1 in the Annex

How to Complete the Where in the System is Archie? Triumph in Destiny 2

Each weekly reset brings a new series of steps to find Archie. For now, we’re tackling the questline that appeared on April 30, called Where is Archie in the Cosmodrome? in order to unlock the triumph.

For this, begin by traveling to the Annex landing zone over at the Tower. From there, all you need to do is follow the path forward up the stairs and toward the Bazaar. You’ll notice that Archie is not in his usual spot. Rather, there are some glowing paws on the floor, which you have to investigate to kickstart the quest.

Once you’re done investigating, visit Ada-1 (who’s on the opposite side of Archie’s usual spot) to pick up the Where in the Cosmodrome is Archie? quest.

How to Complete Where in the Cosmodrome is Archie?

The April 30 questline for Archie has six steps to tackle, which you can get a quick glance of below:

Visit Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome to ask about Archie’s whereabouts.Archie heard rumors about a “cave full of loot.”Archie wanted to scope out the complex where we held off the Hive and re-established communication with lost colonies across the system.Archie heard about a place where freshly-risen Guardians used to sneak past danger to hang out in front of an old bunker door beyond the Shores.Archie’s last stop. He wanted to find a ship of his own to take back to the Last City.Return to Ada-1 in the Annex of the Tower.

Without further ado, here’s how to tackle the questline step-by-step.

Where to Visit Shawn Han in the Cosmodrome

Let’s begin with a simple enough step. From the Destinations tab, select the Cosmodrome at the bottom of the screen, and travel to The Steppes landing zone.

You won’t have to travel far to find Shaw Han, who’s right in front of the landing zone. He will tell you about Archie barking about a cave in the direction of the Skywatch.

Where to Find the “Cave Full of Loot” Location

Shaw Han tells you that Archie heard rumors about a “cave full of loot” around the Skywatch. As such, open the map and, without leaving the Cosmodrome, select the Skywatch landing zone.

The next set of paw prints to investigate is at the entrance of the famous loot cave. From the landing zone, head west using the map as reference. You’re likely to spot the location thanks to a mini icon as well. Once there, investigate the paws to tackle this step.

Where to Find the “Complex Where We Held Off the Hive” Location

Onto the next step. Archie went out to a complex nearby. Yes, that is the Terrestrial Complex, which is to the east of the Skywatch.

You won’t have to travel far here. Make your way inside the complex and get past the first group of enemies. Eventually, you’ll end up in an open area. Defeat any enemies nearby and head toward the building that holds that big antenna that you can see both from your current spot and from the map itself.

Once there, you’re likely to stumble upon a few more foes. If you look at a set of computers at the far end, you’ll find the paw prints to investigate.

Where to Find the “Old Bunker Door Beyond the Shores” Location

The next step is even more ominous, at least at first glance. Begin by heading over to the Forgotten Shore, which is located southeast of the Cosmodrome.

Looking at the map, you want to head over toward the map icons that are close to one another, instead of the entrance to the Veles Labyrinth. Once there, you’ll notice a road of sorts that technically goes off the map. Follow it to The Grottos.

If you’re familiar with the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. strike, we’re heading to the entrance. You know you’re in the right spot as a group of foes will descend to attack you. Investigate the paw prints and let’s continue with the final few steps of the quest.

Where to Find a “Ship of His Own to Take Back to the Last City” Location

Archie went out to look for a ship. In order to save time, open the map and head over to The Steppes landing zone. From there, head east to Dock 13. Not a lot to see here–make your way inside until you’re out in the open area. You’ll see Archie in a corner, surrounded by a group of enemies. A boss fight will ensue, so prepare yourself accordingly.

All in all, it’s a fairly simple fight. I recommend taking down the Brig first just to get it out of the way. Once you’re done, approach Archie and offer pawsitive reinforcement.

Return to Ada-1 in the Annex

Once you pet Archie, you’ll automatically unlock the triumph. That isn’t the end of the quest, however. Head over to the Annex again and reunite with Ada-1.

The rewards for completing the Where in the Cosmodrome is Archie? quest in Destiny 2 are 10 Trophies of Bravery, as well as a Spinfoil Hat, courtesy of the solar system’s best pup.

Remember to head over to the secrets tab under the Into the Light category of the triumph menu to claim the Blue Steel shader for the Where in the System is Archie? triumph. You’ll also be able to claim the Where in the Cosmodrome is Archie? triumph.

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About Diego Nicolás Argüello

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