Where Is Xur Today? (April 8-12) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotic Items Guide

Update: Xur has departed for this weekend. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s selling for the weekend of April 15-19.

After weeks of useless Exotic and Legendary armor rolls, Xur’s inventory has finally been fixed in Destiny 2–somewhat. That means you’re going to want to visit the weekend vendor and take advantage of what he’s selling this week, especially since we’re about to enter another phase of the Iron Banner. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s selling this week.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Xur Location April 8, 2022

Head to the Winding Cove area in the EDZ to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering the Exotic hand cannon Crimson. Hunters can pick up the Aeon Swift gauntlets; Titans can grab the Ursa Furiosa gauntlets; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Sunbracers gauntlets.

Xur’s Exotic armor offerings are no longer bugged, in that they are no longer coming in at super-low stat numbers. That said, they’re now bugged in a different way: what you see in Xur’s inventory is not the same as what you’ll get when you make a purchase. Legendary armor keeps the numbers advertised in Xur’s inventory, but Exotic armor pieces will have different stat rolls when you buy it. In our testing, we found that the armor we actually got from Xur had higher total stats than what Xur claimed by at least two points in all cases–but the rolls are random and different from player to player. As such, we’re not including stat rundowns for Exotic armor this week. Our testing has suggested Ursa Furiosa rolls at around 66-67 total stats; Aeon Swift rolls at around 63 total stats; and Sunbracers rolls at around 61 total stats. However, all our copies of those Exotics have had different stat allocations.

Xur Location

Spawn in at the Winding Cove transmat zone in the EDZ to find Xur. Head north up the overpass on your sparrow, then look for a cave in the wall on your left to find a path up to the cliff above. You’ll find Xur standing next to a crashed Fallen dropship.

Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

Xur Exotic and Legendary Items

The Exotic weapon on offer this week, Crimson, is a Crucible mainstay that is very effective, as well as a good way to get a leg up if you’re a player who’s newer or looking to build your PvP skills. It heals you when you get kills with it, making it great for facing down other Guardians. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own from the world drop pool. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram – 97 legendary shardsCrimson – 29 legendary shardsAeon Swift- 23 legendary shardsUrsa Furiosa – 23 legendary shardsSunbracers – 23 legendary shardsHawkmoon – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherDead Man’s Tale – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest – freeLegendary weapons and armor – 50 legendary shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Alongside changes in his location, Xur’s inventory also rotates weekly. That means it’s worth visiting him each time to check out his new weapons and rolls on Exotic and Legendary armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the Solar System.

The Hawkmoon roll Xur offers this week is a strong one for Crucible performance, sporting Quickdraw for fast weapon switches and high stability. For Dead Man’s Tale, your perk is Killing Wind, which can be useful in the Crucible thanks to the increased range and mobility it grants on kills, but would probably be better replaced with something else, like Vorpal Weapon. It’s not a bad option for PvE, but again, probably not the most fun version of the gun.

While Xur’s armor offerings are pretty solid this week, his weapons are leaving a lot to be desired. His Imperial Needle bow is a good version of the weapon, particularly for PvP, thanks to Opening Shot and Killing Wind allowing you to hit hard and providing some boosts on kills, with a Draw Time Masterwork–but this isn’t a weapon you see much in the Crucible, and there’s a reason for that. Ignition Code benefits from Field Prep for faster reloads on the breech-loader grenade launcher, and Demolitionist pairs well if you like blowing stuff up, with a Reload Speed Masterwork, but this is also only fine on a gun that doesn’t see much play. The only weapon you might want to snag is Frozen Orbit, a sniper rifle that offers Outlaw and Vorpal Weapon with a Range Masterwork to maximize the gun’s already-high range stat. This will play pretty well in the Crucible, especially for knocking out Guardians with Supers before they can close the distance on you.

Xur brings the Anti-Extinction set for Legendary armor this week, and it’s finally worth looking at. Titans have a couple of good options with a particularly high set of boots with huge Resilience and a low-ish helmet that offers big numbers in Recovery and Intellect. Hunters can grab a couple of pieces with totals of about 62 to fill gaps in their loadouts, but Warlocks have little on offer, with only one armor piece above 60 total stats.


Chambered CompensatorAlloy MagazineQuickdrawHeavy Grip

Dead Man’s Tale

Hammer-Forged RiflingArmor-Piercing RoundsKilling WinFitted Stock

Legendary Weapons

Dire Promise (Hand Cannon) — Snapshot Sights, Osmosis, Stability MasterworkImperial Needle (Combat Bow) — Killing Wind, Opening Shot, Draw Time MasterworkWolftone Draw (Combat Bow) — Sneak Bow, Harmony, Draw Time MasterworkWidow’s Bite (Sniper Rifle) — Pulse Monitor, Demolitionist, Range MasterworkIgnition Code (Grenade Launcher) — Field Prep, Demolitionist, Reload Speed MasterworkSeventh Seraph Saw (Machine Gun) — Grave Robber, Mulligan, Reload Speed MasterworkFrozen Orbit (Sniper Rifle) – Outlaw, Vorpal Weapon, Range Masterwork

Legendary Armor

Anti-Extinction set


Anti-Extinction Plate (Chest Armor) Mobility: 10Resilience: 2Recovery: 21Discipline: 17Intellect: 7Strength: 6 Total: 63Anti-Extinction Helmet Mobility: 2Resilience: 2Recovery: 24Discipline: 2Intellect: 22Strength: 6 Total: 58Anti-Extinction Greaves (Leg Armor) Mobility: 6Resilience: 26Recovery: 2Discipline: 6Intellect: 15Strength: 10 Total: 65


Anti-Extinction Gloves Mobility: 9Resilience: 6Recovery: 15Discipline: 2Intellect: 19Strength: 9 Total: 60Anti-Extinction Robes (Chest Armor) Mobility: 6Resilience: 2Recovery: 25Discipline: 15Intellect: 12 Strength: 2 Total: 62


Anti-Extinction Grasps (Gauntlets Mobility: 14Resilience: 9Recovery: 9Discipline: 9Intellect: 13Strength: 9 Total: 63Anti-Extinction Vest (Chest Armor) Mobility: 14Resilience: 9Recovery: 8Discipline: 17Intellect: 6 Strength: 9 Total: 63

Crimson (Hand Cannon)

Crimson is a weapon that was made for the Crucible. It’s a powerful hand cannon that can do serious damage, has decent range and stability, and is full of good perks that make it stand out. For one, it shoots a pulse rifle-like three-round burst, rather than one shot. It also heals you whenever you notch a kill with it, with precision kills also refilling the gun’s magazine. If you don’t have a gun you’d rather be using, Crimson is a great default PvP gun that will help you rack up kills and stay alive.

Aeon Swift (Hunter)

Aeon Swift gives Hunters some cool synergistic options with their teammates, particularly if those other members of your fireteam are also sporting their Aeon gauntlets. The adjustable perk gives you the option to generate ammo for teammates, boost their ability recharge rates, or help them deal better damage–while also gaining benefits for yourself. Just remember that your biggest gains are realized when all three of your teammates use Aeon Exotics with different perks activated.

Ursa Furiosa (Titan)

You’ll find Ursa Furiosa extremely useful in high-level activities, like Grandmaster Nightfalls. The Exotic makes it easier to move around when you’re guarding and absorbing damage with your Sentinel Shield Super, and guarded damage gives you Super energy back so you can use it more often. Coupled with the huge number of Orbs of Power you generate using this Super to protect your team, this Exotic becomes a defensive powerhouse in activities where death is tough to avoid.

Sunbracer (Warlock)

Sunbracers are great for Solar Warlocks who like controlling an area with grenades. The Exotic first boosts your Solar grenades so that they last longer, which is great for locking down a control point or doorway in the Crucible. Earning a Solar melee kill gets you a brief burst of unlimited grenade energy, so you can use grenades more often as long as you’re chucking fireballs, too. With the right ability build, Sunbracers can be very useful.

About Phil Hornshaw

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