Where Is Xur Today? (Aug. 13-17) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotics Guide

Update: Xur has left the solar system for the weekend of August 13. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s offering for August 20-24.

Xur returns to Destiny 2‘s solar system with a new batch of Exotics this weekend, and you might want to grab what you can. Bungie just detailed a bunch of changes that will nerf some Exotic armors while buffing others, which makes this a great time to stock up on Xur’s wares ahead of the launch of Season 15 on August 24.

Head to the EDZ, to the Winding Cove area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Prometheus Lens. Hunters can pick up the Graviton Forfeit helmet; for Titans, there’s the Synthoceps gauntlets; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Vesper of Radius chest armor.

Xur Location

Get to Xur by spawning in at the Winding Cove transmat location in the EDZ. Hop on your sparrow and head north, up the overpass, until you reach the northern edge of the area. Look for a blue light on the cliff wall that marks a tunnel that’ll lead to the top, where a Fallen skiff has crashed. Xur hangs out beside it.

Xur returns to the solar system every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. The thing is, where he’ll land isn’t known until he actually arrives. Xur can hang out at one of several locations, including in the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ. Xur’s inventory also changes each week, so it’s worth revisiting him on the weekends for new weapons and rolls on Exotic armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the solar system.

Xur Exotic Items

Your Exotic gun from Xur this week is Prometheus Lens. It’s a quality weapon in just about any situation, and is great for PvP play because of its long range and laser accuracy. Xur is also packing the Graviton Forfeit helmet for Hunters with a roll that should get your attention–it’s pretty high, stats-wise, for a Xur item. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsPrometheus Lens — 29 legendary shardsGraviton Forfeit — 23 legendary shardsSynthoceps — 23 legendary shardsVesper of Radius — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

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Each week, Xur offers one Exotic weapon and three pieces of Exotic armor: one for each character class. The inventory is random, as are the stat rolls you can expect on each of his armor offerings, so if you’re looking to fill out your collection or if you’re hoping for better versions of Exotics you already have, it’s worth visiting him. Xur also brings an Exotic Engram, which is guaranteed to drop something you don’t already have, if there are Exotics missing from your collection on that particular character–but that doesn’t include Exotics you have to earn through activities, including the new Exotic armors added each season, which can only be claimed from Legendary or Master Lost Sectors.

Prometheus Lens (Trace Rifle)

There was a while there that Prometheus Lens dominated in the Crucible, and with good reason. The trace rifle fires a super-steady laser with a lot of range, making it easy to hit distant targets. The gun generates a heat field on enemies when it hits them, and the more damage you pour on, the larger that field becomes. You also get ammo back for notching kills with Prometheus Lens, so it’s a solid option for crowd control in PvE events, too.

Graviton Forfeit (Hunter)

Hunters’ ability to make themselves invisible, both to the naked eye and to radar, can be extremely powerful in Destiny 2. Graviton Forfeit makes your invisibility last longer, while also recharging your melee ability more quickly while you’re hidden. That makes it great for Hunters using the Nightstalker subclass, as you get more smoke grenades more often to use to misdirect and confuse your foes. As Xur’s inventory goes, this is a pretty solid stat roll, and with Graviton Forfeit getting a buff in Season 15, you might want to consider replacing your current Graviton Forfeit with this one if you already have this helmet.


Mobility: 14Resilience: 12Recovery: 8Discipline: 10Intellect: 6Strength: 16Total: 66

Synthoceps (Titan)

Punch-happy Titans get a significant boost with Synthoceps, especially in the Crucible. The Exotic extends your melee lunge range, allowing you to get those killer flying knees or shoulder charges from a lot farther away, helping you to eliminate pesky Guardians fast. You also get a buff to your melee and Super damage when you’re surrounded, so if you like to crash with your Super into groups of opponents in PvP or lots of enemies in PvE, the Exotic can help you in both cases.


Mobility: 21Resilience: 3Recovery: 7Discipline: 2Intellect: 20Strength: 8Total: 61

Vesper Of Radius (Warlock)

Turn your rifts into weapons with Vesper of Radius. The Exotic adds an Arc shockwave to your rifts when you cast them, damaging any enemies in your area. Your rift energy also recharges faster when you’re surrounded, giving you an incentive to head into the middle of a swarm and stand your ground. If you’re a Warlock who likes to get into the thick of it against a lot of enemies, Vesper of Radius can help.


Mobility: 6Resilience: 12Recovery: 16Discipline: 21Intellect: 6Strength: 2Total: 63

About Phil Hornshaw

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