Where Is Xur Today? (July 2-6) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotics Guide

Update: Xur has left the solar system for the weekend, taking his stock of Exotics with him. Here’s where you can find Xur, and what he’s offering, for the weekend of July 9, 2021.

Destiny 2 is having a busy week. The Iron Banner is running once again, bringing higher-level PvP challenge and reward to the game. Next week is also the start of the Solstice of Heroes, Destiny’s summertime event that lets you earn even more unique gear. That means you’ll want to visit Xur again this weekend to check out his batch of Exotics and fill any holes in your collection to make sure you can continue to compete.

Head to the Tower, to the Hangar area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering The Huckleberry. Hunters can pick up the Knucklehead Radar helmet; for Titans, there’s the Antaeus Wards leg armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Chromatic Fire chest armor.

Xur Location

Spawn in at the central Tower transmat zone and turn left, crossing the walkway to a set of stairs that’ll lead down to the hangar. At the bottom, turn left and head to the north side of the area. You’ll find another staircase up to a catwalk, with Xur waiting for you there near the edge of the Tower platform.

Xur returns to the solar system every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. Xur’s inventory also changes each week, so it’s worth revisiting him on the weekends for new weapons and rolls on Exotic armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the solar system.

Xur Exotic Items

If you’re looking for a solid, powerful SMG, The Huckleberry is a great choice. It’s Xur’s weapon this week, and it chews through enemies super-quickly thanks to its damage buff and reload perks. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsThe Huckleberry — 29 legendary shardsKnucklehead Radar — 23 legendary shardsAntaeus Wards — 23 legendary shardsChromatic Fire — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

Each week, Xur offers one Exotic weapon and three pieces of Exotic armor: one for each character class. The inventory is random, as are the stat rolls you can expect on each of his armor offerings, so if you’re looking to fill out your collection or if you’re hoping for better versions of Exotics you already have, it’s worth visiting him. Xur also brings an Exotic Engram, which is guaranteed to drop something you don’t already have, if there are Exotics missing from your collection on that particular character–but that doesn’t include Exotics you have to earn through activities, including the new Exotic armors added each season, which can only be claimed from Legendary or Master Lost Sectors.

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The Huckleberry (Submachine Gun)

The Huckleberry is essentially a bullet hose, making it great for tearing through groups of enemies or showering your Crucible opponents in more lead than they can handle. The gun gains additional stability and handling as you hold down the trigger, and as you make kills, a portion of the magazine is reloaded, encouraging you to just keep shooting. It also sports Rampage, so The Huckleberry becomes more powerful as you rack up kills with it. This is a reliable submachine gun in just about any situation, but it’s particularly great for tightly bunched enemies in PvE activities or Control matches.

Knucklehead Radar (Hunter)

Knucklehead Radar is an old Hunter mainstay Exotic, particularly in the Crucible. While it won’t give you additional power or stronger guns, it’s excellent if you want to use information to outplay your opponents. The Exotic maintains your radar while you’re aiming and gives you enhanced radar whenever you crouch, allowing you to better predict enemy movements and outsmart them. That edge can help you win a lot of fights, so if you’re looking for an intel advantage against opponents, give this one a shot.


Mobility: 18Resilience: 13Recovery: 2Discipline: 9Intellect: 13Strength: 7Total: 62

Antaeus Wards (Titan)

With Antaeus Wards, Titans become a lot tougher to kill whenever they’re sliding. The Exotic makes your slide last longer and go farther, and if you sprint for a short time before sliding, you’ll reflect incoming enemy projectiles. It requires a specific kind of play, but this Exotic can make you a really annoying opponent in the Crucible. At a stat level of 65, this is also a pretty solid roll–if a little weird, thanks to its point distribution.


Mobility: 19Resilience: 2Recovery: 13Discipline: 2Intellect: 19Strength: 10Total: 65

Chromatic Fire (Warlock)

Guns that make enemies explode can be devastating in a lot of situations, so Chromatic Fire can be pretty useful for Warlocks. The Exotic makes your Kinetic weapons cause enemies to explode when you kill them with precision hits, with a blast that matches the Light subclass you currently have equipped. Especially in PvE, that means you can turn tightly clustered enemies into bombs, helping you control crowds a lot more easily.


Mobility: 2Resilience: 12Recovery: 17Discipline: 19Intellect: 10Strength: 2Total: 62

About Phil Hornshaw

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