Where Is Xur Today? (July 30-August 3) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotics Guide

Update: Xur has departed the solar system for the week of July 30. Here’s where you can find Xur and what he’s offering during the weekend of August 6-10.

With the arrival of another weekend comes a visit from Xur, Destiny 2’s mysterious Exotics merchant. If you’re looking to fill out your collection of Exotic weapons and armor or simply want an alternate roll on a piece of Exotic armor, you’ll want to pay him a visit. Here’s where to find Xur this week at the Tower and what he’s selling between now and the weekly reset coming on Tuesday, August 3.

Xur Location

This week, Xur is located in his standard digs at the Tower. To find him, spawn in at the Courtyard and then turn left, following the pathway and rooms that take you into the Hangar. Once you get into the main area with Amanda Holliday, turn left, head under the Future War Cult structure and past the Dead Orbit area. Take the staircase up on the left in the very back area where the Hangar opens up, and you’ll find Xur.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris rewards for July 30-August 3

Xur Exotic Items

Telesto is this week’s Xur weapon, and it’s a fun (and colorful) option you’ll want to pick up if you don’t already own it, even if fusion rifles aren’t typically your thing. Hunters get the Lucky Pants leg armor, Titans get the Actium War Rig chest armor, and Warlocks get the Claws of Ahamkara gauntlets, each with stat points ranging from 64-66. For 97 legendary shards, you can purchase an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an item you don’t already own from a select pool of weapons and armor. And if you don’t already have it, Xur will offer you a free Xenology quest that rewards you with an Exotic Cipher, which is a required item to buy an Exotic from the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsLucky Pants — 23 legendary shardsActium War Rig — 23 legendary shardsClaws of Ahamkara — 23 legendary shardsTelesto — 29 legendary shardsXenology quest — free

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Telesto (Fusion Rifle)

Unlike a standard fusion rifle, Telesto is not about firing a beam of energy at opponents. Instead, its Unplanned Reprieve intrinsic trait causes it to fire projectiles that attach to wherever you fire them and then explode shortly thereafter (not wholly unlike the Needler that Bungie developed for Halo). It also features the Harbinger’s Pulse trait, which reloads both your kinetic and energy weapons when you pull off a multikill. As noted above, it’s quite a fun, colorful weapon, and well worth picking up.

Lucky Pants (Hunter Leg Armor)

Lucky Pants are a great option if you’re a hand cannon user. Illegally Modded Holster causes precision hits to load a round into your stowed hand cannons, letting you fire those, switch to another weapon, and then return find it reloaded. And that switching to and from hand cannons is further encouraged by the trait causing them to ready faster and become more accurate for a period of time after first switching to them.


Mobility: 17Resilience: 15Recovery: 2Discipline: 9Intellect: 9Strength: 14Total: 66

Actium War Rig (Titan Chest Armor)

Just as the previous item is meant for use with a particular type of weapon, so too is Actium War Rig. Auto-Loading Link reloads your auto rifle or machine’s guns magazine from reserves, allowing you to potentially fire it for much longer than usual before needing to reload. Depending on just how often you fire or how big the magazine is, you might be able to avoid doing so altogether, making it great fun when paired with something like the Exotic Sweet Business.


Mobility: 15Resilience: 17Recovery: 3Discipline: 9Intellect: 12Strength: 9Total: 65

Claws of Ahamkara (Warlock Gauntlets)

Warlocks get a more broadly useful Exotic from Xur this week. Claws of Ahamkara’s The Whispers is quite simple, granting an additional melee charge. That can be extremely useful across the board, but particularly in PvP where you don’t need to wait for your melee to recharge to rack up another easy kill (which in turn gets you that much closer to using your Super).


Mobility: 14Resilience: 2Recovery: 18Discipline: 10Intellect: 2Strength: 18Total: 64

About Chris Pereira

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