Where Is Xur Today? (July 5-9) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide

After a busy month in Destiny 2: The Final Shape, things have calmed down ahead of a visit from Xur. The first act of Episode: Echoes is over, and something dangerous is brewing beneath the surface of Nessus. What’s a Guardian to do? Pay a visit to the arms dealer and get some new gear, that’s what. Here’s where Xur is this weekend and what he has for sale.

Xur is offering the Exotic weapon catalysts for Prometheus Lens and Fighting Lion. For Exotic armor, Hunters can pick up Liar’s Handshake; Titans can grab Mk. 44 Stand Asides; and Warlocks can buy Stormdancer’s Brace.

Xur Location

Spawn in at the Tower and hang a right past Banshee-44. Continue down the stairs, follow the corridor, and once you hit the Bazaar, turn right down the nearby alleyway. You’ll find Xur here in his dedicated alcove, ready to sell you his latest wares if you have enough Strange Coins in your pocket. Check out our how to get Strange Coins guide for details on earning this currency, which involves doing ritual activities to earn them.

Xur Exotic Items And Other Wares

Pormetheus Lens Exotic Catalyst — 71 Strange CoinsFighting Lion Exotic Catalyst — 71 Strange CoinsMk. 44 Stand Asides — 41 Strange CoinsLiar’s Handshake — 41 Strange CoinsStormdancer’s Brace — 41 Strange CoinsCrucible Engram — 31 Strange CoinsLegendary Armor — 17 Strange CoinsLegendary Weapons — 17 Strange Coins

More Strange Offers

Favor of the Nine — Spend 47 Strange Coins to unlockAscendant Shards — 14 Strange CoinsEnhancement Cores — 14 Strange CoinsGlimmer package — 14 Strange Coins

Xur Vendor Rewards Track

Strange Engram — Unlocks at major ranksEnhancement Cores — Rank 4Enhancement Prisms — Rank 7Exotic Engram — Rank 10Ascendant Shard — Rank 13Ascendant Alloy — Rank 16Exotic Cipher — Earned after resetting Xur vendor rank

Exotic Armor

Mk. 44 Stand Asides (Exotic Titan leg armor)

As the name implies, you really don’t want to be near a Titan wearing these Exotic boots. They grant an overshield when a Titan sprints at full health while they have Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash equipped, and charged hits refund a portion of melee energy. The stats on this roll are all over the place, as strength is quite low, mobility is unnecessarily high, and the resilience stat leaves a lot to be desired. You probably have a better version of these boots already–or you have the funds to get a fresh roll from Rahool–so feel free to give it a skip this week.

Mobility: 21Resilience: 7Recovery: 6Discipline: 10Intellect: 16Strength: 6Total: 66

Liar’s Handshake (Exotic Hunter gauntlets)

Liar’s handshake is great for Hunters who like to move in, deliver a knockout blow, and get out of danger. Using an Arc melee ability or being hit by a melee attack will let you follow up with an extremely powerful counterpunch that also heals you, so this works very nicely with Prismatic builds. The stats are mostly well-balanced, with intellect needing an armor mod to bring it up to speed, so grab these Exotic gauntlets and experiment with them this weekend.

Mobility: 12Resilience: 12Recovery: 10Discipline: 16Intellect: 6Strength: 12Total: 68

Stormdancer’s Brace (Exotic Warlock chest armor)

If you’re playing as a Warlock and you really don’t like wearing Crown of Tempests to get the most out of your Stormtrance Super, check this Exotic out instead. Each target you defeat with Stormtrance increases the damage you deal with your Super and it’ll partially refund Super energy back to you when your Stormtrance ends. This isn’t a very good roll of this Exotic armor, as while you get a decent intellect stat, resilience, recovery, and strength are quite low. Unless you don’t already have it, grab this and spend some Exotic engrams by Rahool to get a better version instead.

Mobility: 14Resilience: 7Recovery: 10Discipline: 14Intellect: 14Strength: 2Total: 61

Exotic Weapon Catalysts

Prometheus Lens (Exotic trace rifle)

Defeating a target spreads scorch to those nearby. More powerful combatants and opposing Guardians cause scorch in a larger radius.

Fighting Lion (Exotic grenade launcher)

After this weapon fires, equipped Kinetic and Power weapons gain a brief period of increased handling and accuracy.

Strange Gear Offers (Exotic Weapons)

Hawkmoon (Exotic hand cannon)The Wardcliff Coil (Exotic rocket launcher)Wavesplitter (Exotic trace rifle)Ceberus+1 (Exotic auto rifle)

Legendary Armor

Titan Type Mobility Resilience Recovery Discipline Intelligence Strength Total
Kairos Function Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 14 6 12 23 2 6 63
Kairos Function Plate Titan Chest Armor 10 12 11 7 15 10 65
Kairos Function Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kairos Function Helm Titan Helmet 10 12 10 14 14 2 62
Kairos Function Greaves Titan Leg Armor 10 12 11 7 18 7 65
Warlock Type
Kairos Function Wraps Warlock Gauntlets 7 10 15 10 10 11 63
Kairos Function Robes Warlock Chest Armor 10 21 2 6 6 18 63
Kairos Function Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kairos Function Crown Warlock Helmet 6 10 16 20 11 2 65
Kairos Function Boots Warlock Leg Armor 12 7 14 2 24 7 66
Hunter Type
Kairos Function Grips Hunter Gauntlets 7 10 15 10 6 15 63
Kairos Function Vest Hunter Chest Armor 2 11 18 10 15 6 62
Kairos Function Cloak Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kairos Function Mask Hunter Helmet 2 15 16 19 10 2 64
Kairos Function Boots Hunter Leg Armor 20 6 6 19 10 2 63

Legendary Weapons

Main Ingredient Energy Fusion Rifle Cleanshot IS / Red Dot 2 MOA / Red Dot Micro Accelerated Coils / Particle Repeater Moving Target High-Impact Reserves Tier 2: Stability
Gnawing Hunger Energy Auto Rifle Hammer-Forged Rifling / Smallbore Steady Rounds / Flared Magwell Subsistence Rampage Tier 2: Handling
Escape Velocity Kinetic Submachine Gun IS 5 Circle / Model 6 Loop Tactical Mag / Flared Magwell Threat Detector Surrounded Tier 2: Range
Nature of the Beast Energy Hand Cannon SteadyHand HCS / Sureshot HCS Tactical Mag / Steady Rounds Subsistence Rangefinder Tier 2: Handling
Crown-Splitter Heavy Sword Hungry Edge / Jagged Edge / Tempered Edge Flash Counter Whirlwind Blade Tier 2: Impact
Canis Major Heavy Grenade Launcher Countermass / Linear Compensator Spike Grenades / Augmented Drum Field Prep Chain Reaction Tier 2: Handling
Sailspy Pitchglass Heavy Linear Fusion Rifle Hammer-Forged Rifling / Smallbore Accelerated Coils / Projection Fuse Moving Target Swashbuckler Tier 2: Reload Speed
Strange Weapon Engram Weapon Engram

Xur has changed how he conducts business in The Final Shape. For his rotating selection of Exotic weapon catalysts, he’ll sell two each week. His selection will contain older catalysts that are found through random drops prior to The Witch Queen expansion, and he will not have catalysts associated with quests, Exotic missions, Season Pass Exotics, campaign Exotics, preorder Exotics, raid Exotics, or dungeon Exotics.

Xur will also have three random Exotic weapons available for sale, in addition to Hawkmoon. Xur will still sell Legendary armor and weapons, as well as engrams that can yield any item in those pools at random. Like other vendors, Xur also has his own reputation track now and the more you spend, the more reputation rewards you’ll earn, including an Exotic Cipher after every rank reset.

Additionally, Xur’s loyalty program kicks in after you spend 47 Strange Coins, granting you a Strange Favor buff. This lasts for 11 days and can be stacked up to three times–once per week–giving you a chance to earn a bonus Strange Coin from activities that reward you with the currency. Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday.

Every Exotic Weapon and Armor In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (So Far)See More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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