Where Is Xur Today? (March 25-29) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotics Guide

Update: Xur has departed for the weekend of March 25. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s selling for the weekend of April 1-5.

Xur has made another trip to the Solar system in Destiny 2, meaning you can now buy an assortment of Exotic and Legendary weapons and armor for use in the game. Here’s the full rundown on where to find Xur and all of the items he has for sale.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Xur Location March 25, 2022

Head to the Tower’s Hangar area to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering the Telesto fusion rifle. Hunters can pick up the Foetracer helmet; for Titans, there’s the Dunemarchers leg armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Ophidian Aspect gauntlets.

Once again, however, Xur’s armor offerings are bugged, which leaves them with super-low total stats–Don’t buy these. The only exception to that rule would be to fill out your Exotic collection with items you don’t already have, but even then, you might want to wait or try to get them through Xur’s Exotic Engram. Bungie noted in a recent blog post that it’s aware of the issue with Xur’s armor inventory, so hopefully we’ll see a fix for the issue soon.

A few of Xur’s Legendary weapons are worth your attention this week. Xur’s Night Watch scout rifle is excellent for PvE with Explosive Rounds, Subsistence, and a Handling Masterwork, and while not quite a god roll, it’s close enough that you’ll have a good time with it. Both Xur’s submachine guns, Escape Velocity with Overflow, Osmosis, and a Range Masterwork, and Death Adder with Disruption Break, Feeding Frenzy, and a Stability Masterwork, are also great for PvE–again, neither is a god roll, but they both have some great aspects that make them very viable.

Xur’s Hawkmoon this week sports Killing Wind, which has some good benefits but requires you to land a kill to activate them. As for Dead Man’s Tale, you’ll find Xur’s roll this week with Snapshot Sights, which can be great for landing those quick headshots to build up the Cranial Spike buff. Both are pretty decent for the Crucible–not the best, but reliable for helping you close out kills and win duels.

Once again, don’t bother with Xur’s Legendary armor unless you want a new look for your Guardian. He’s offering the Phoenix Strife Type 0 set for Titans, the Swordflight 4.1 set for Hunters, and the Aanka Seeker IV set for Warlocks, all of which are older offerings from the Crucible. Each piece’s stat totals only come up to 48, however, so you won’t want to take any of these pieces home.


Hammer-Forged RiflingAlloy MagazineKilling WindPolymer Grip

Dead Man’s Tale

Small BoreHigh-Caliber RoundsSnapshot SightsComposite Stock

Legendary Weapons

Night Watch (Kinetic Scout Rifle) Subsistence, Explosive Payload, Handling MasterworkEscape Velocity (Kinetic SMG) Overflow, Osmosis, Range MasterworkDeath Adder (Solar SMG) Feeding Frenzy, Disruption Break, Stability MasterworkWidow’s Bite (Solar Sniper Rifle) Feeding Frenzy, Opening Shot, Stability MasterworkDistant Tumulus (Solar Sniper Rifle) Clown Cartridge, Snapshot Sights, Stability MasterworkFar Future (Solar Sniper Rifle) Quickdraw, Multikill Clip, Stability MasterworkSeventh Seraph Saw (Arc Machine Gun) Field Prep, Mulligan, Handling Masterwork The Third Axiom (Arc Pulse Rifle) Surplus, Vorpal Weapon, Stability Masterwork

Legendary Armor

Phoenix Strife Type 0 set (Titan), Swordflight 4.1 set (Hunter), Aanka Seeker IV set (Warlock) (all pieces)

Mobility: 10Resilience: 2Recovery: 10Discipline: 2Intellect: 2Strength: 22 Total: 48

Xur Location

You’ll find Xur in the Tower this week. When you spawn in at the Courtyard transmat zone, turn left and head down the stairs into the Hangar. When you reach it, turn left again and go to the north end of the area, where you’ll find a staircase leading up to a catwalk where Xur is waiting.

Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

Xur Exotic and Legendary Items

You can get Telesto from Xur this week, an always-fun fusion rifle that often breaks the game. The fusion fires energy bolts that stick to enemies and surfaces, detonating after a delay. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own from the world drop pool. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Gear

Exotic Engram – 97 legendary shardsTelesto – 29 legendary shardsFoetracer – 23 legendary shardsDunemarchers – 23 legendary shardsOphidian Aspect – 23 legendary shardsHawkmoon – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherDead Man’s Tale – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest – freeLegendary weapons and armor – 50 legendary shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Alongside changes in his location, Xur’s inventory also rotates weekly. That means it’s worth visiting him each time to check out his new weapons and rolls on Exotic and Legendary armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the solar system.

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Telesto (Fusion Rifle)

It’s hard to go wrong with Telesto. The fusion rifle has been a Crucible mainstay since the Curse of Osiris thanks to its high level of power and the unexpected results it often brings to fights. Unlike other fusions, Telesto’s projectiles stick to surfaces and enemies, exploding after a delay. That means you can fire it into a crowd and take out lots of enemies, or catch opponents with traps by shooting it at corners and doorways. Multikills automatically reload the gun (along with your Kinetic weapon, too), rewarding you for turning your enemies into Void bombs.

Foetracer (Hunter)

Foetracer can be a handy Exotic for closing the deal on opponents, especially in PvP. It marks your targets to make them easier to keep track of as they move around, while giving you bonus damage against those marked targets if they’re already at low health. That extra damage can potentially be the difference in a tough duel, and while this isn’t the best Crucible Exotic in the Hunter arsenal, it can be decent if you’ve got a gap in your loadout.


Mobility: 4Resilience: 6Recovery: 16Discipline: 10Intellect: 6Strength: 6Total: 48

Dunemarchers (Titan)

Dunemarchers pop up a lot in the Crucible because they can be devastating for melee-focused Titans. The leg armor boosts your sprint speed, and the more you run, the more static electricity you build up in your shoes. When you hit an enemy with a melee, that static is discharged as chain lightning that can rip through Guardians and has a ridiculous chain distance. This is a bad version of the Exotic to grab, but Dunemarchers are absolutely one you should mess around with next time you head into the Iron Banner.


Mobility: 13Resilience: 7Recovery: 6Discipline: 6Intellect: 6Strength: 12Total: 50

Ophidian Aspect (Warlock)

If your build doesn’t require something else, you can’t go wrong equipping Ophidian Aspect. The gauntlets extend your melee range, which is always useful, and greatly enhance both your weapon ready speed and your reload speed. That makes Ophidian great in absolutely every situation, and you’re going to want a set of your own–just not the ones Xur is selling this week.


Mobility: 11Resilience: 6Recovery: 7Discipline: 6Intellect: 7Strength: 12Total: 48

Once you’re done with Xur, check out what’s available in Trials of Osiris this weekend–if you play enough, there’s a god roll weapon to be had.

About Phil Hornshaw

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