Where Is Xur Today? (March 8-12) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide

The Guardian Games are in full swing, everyone is having a blast on their fancy hoverboards, and you’re looking for some new Exotic gear to help you secure bragging rights for your class of choice. It’s a good thing then that the Agent of the Nine has made a return with a refreshed inventory. Here’s where you can find Xur this week and what he has for sale.

This week you can find Xur in The Tower, inside the Hangar. For his weapon, Xur is offering Prometheus Lens. Hunters can pick up The Sixth Coyote chest armor; Titans can grab the Ashen Wake gauntlets; and Warlocks can buy the Apotheosis Veil helmet.

Xur Location

Spawn in using the Courtyard transmat zone in the Tower to find Xur this week. Head left and down the stairs to enter the Hangar section, then hang another left. Make your way to the north end of the area and look for a staircase that will take you onto a catwalk, where Xur is waiting.

Xur Exotic and Legendary Items

Exotic Engram – 97 Legendary ShardsPrometheus Lens – 29 Legendary ShardsThe Sixth Coyote – 23 Legendary ShardsAshen Wake – 23 Legendary ShardsApotheosis Veil – 23 Legendary ShardsHawkmoon – 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest – FreeLegendary weapons and armor – 50 Legendary Shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Exotic Armor

Ashen Wake (Exotic Titan gauntlets)

This Exotic could work very nicely with the Solar-focused seasonal buffs available, and paired with Sunshot, it’ll make your Titan a force to be reckoned with. Fusion Grenades gain increased throw speed and explode on impact, and hitting an Unstoppable champion with one of these fastballs will leave them stunned. Final blows with Fusion Grenades also refund some grenade energy back to you. Fittingly, the discipline stat is quite high so your grenade cooldowns will be shorter, and mobility and resilience are around average. Mobility doesn’t need to be this high for a Titan, as that class excels in other categories. Intellect, strength, and recovery are low, so plan accordingly to bring out the best in this Exotic.

Mobility: 15Resilience: 12Recovery: 6Discipline: 17Intellect: 6Strength: 8Total: 64

The Sixth Coyote (Exotic Hunter chest armor)

For the Hunter who needs a little extra insurance when things get dicey, The Sixth Coyote chest armor gives you an extra dodge charge. This roll favors agility, as you get a very high mobility stat–maxed out, to be exact–alongside good discipline and strength stats. Resilience, recovery, and intellect are low, but otherwise, this is a good Exotic piece for when you want to land a melee blow and quickly get out of harm’s way.

Mobility: 30Resilience: 3Recovery: 3Discipline: 16Intellect: 6Strength: 12Total: 70

Apotheosis Veil (Exotic Warlock helmet)

Apotheosis Veil gives your Warlock an extra layer of protection during their most vulnerable moment, as you’ll immediately regenerate health, melee, grenade, and Rift energy when you activate your Super. Nearby allies also get this boost, and after your Super ends, you’ll temporarily gain increased melee and grenade energy regen. The stats on this Exotic are mostly balanced, with only recovery and discipline being on the low side possibly due to mobility being higher than ideal for a Warlock. Throw on some armor mods and you’ll quickly plug that gap in your defenses.

Mobility: 16Resilience: 17Recovery: 3Discipline: 2Intellect: 13Strength: 14Total: 65

Exotic Weapons

Prometheus Lens (Exotic trace rifle)

Solar weapons are shining this season, and Prometheus Lens is an excellent option to consider for your arsenal. It works brilliantly at clearing out cannon fodder enemies as it’ll instantly refill from reserves with every enemy defeated, and for tougher foes, the longer you focus the beam on them the more Scorch stacks you’ll apply to them.

Prismatic InfernoChambered CompensatorProjection FuseFlame RefractionComposite Stock

Hawkmoon (Exotic hand cannon)

Hawkmoon is a pretty decent roll this week, with its weapon perk on this version being Opening Shot. That gives you improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of an attack, making it a solid pick for PvP action.

Paracausal ShotChambered CompensatorAlloy MagazineOpening ShotSmooth Grip

Legendary Armor

Titan Type Mobility Resilience Recovery Discipline Intelligence Strength Total
Warmind’s Avatar Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 7 12 6 6 11 7 49
Warmind’s Avatar Chestplate Titan Chest Armor 6 6 12 16 2 14 56
Warmind’s Avatar Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Warmind’s Avatar Helm Titan Helmet 12 2 13 9 13 6 55
Warmind’s Avatar Legplates Titan Leg Armor 14 12 2 10 13 2 53
Warlock Type
Warmind’s Avatar Gloves Warlock Gauntlets 12 7 7 2 18 8 54
Warmind’s Avatar Robes Warlock Chest Armor 2 10 12 7 8 10 49
Warmind’s Avatar Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Warmind’s Avatar Headpiece Warlock Helmet 9 6 13 8 6 14 56
Warmind’s Avatar Pants Warlock Leg Armor 2 6 19 2 14 16 59
Hunter Type
Warmind’s Avatar Vambraces Hunter Gauntlets 2 10 14 6 13 7 52
Warmind’s Avatar Vest Hunter Chest Armor 6 9 12 11 7 8 53
Warmind’s Avatar Cloak Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Warmind’s Avatar Mask Hunter Helmet 6 2 19 12 8 6 53
Warmind’s Avatar Legguards Hunter Leg Armor 2 10 12 16 2 6 48

Legendary Weapons

Arsenic Bite-4b Energy Combat Bow Agile Bowstring / Polymer String Compact Arrow Shaft / Helical Fletching Dragonfly Sneak Bow Tier 2: Target Acquisition
Interference VI Heavy Grenade Launcher Volatile Launch / Hard Launch Augmented Drum / High-Velocity Rounds Clown Cartridge Full Court Tier 2: Velocity
Brass Attacks Energy Sidearm Extended Barrel / Smallbore Appended Mag / Armor-Piercing Rounds Slideways One for All Tier 2: Reload Speed
Cartesian Coordinate Energy Fusion Rifle Hitmark IS / Red Dot Micro Enhanced Battery / Ionized Battery Hip-Fire Grip High-Impact Reserves Tier 2: Reload Speed
Legal Action II Kinetic Pulse Rifle Corkscrew Rifling / Smallbore Alloy Magazine / Flared Magwell Feeding Frenzy Thresh Tier 2: Range
Planck’s Stride Heavy Machine Gun Fluted Barrel / Hammer-Forged Rifling Appended Mag / Extended Mag Killing Wind Tap the Trigger Tier 2: Reload Speed
No Reprieve Kinetic Shotgun Corkscrew Rifling / Fluted Barrel Assault Mag / Tactical Mag Outlaw Wellspring Tier 2: Stability

Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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