Where Is Xur Today? (Sept. 17-21) – Destiny 2 Xur Location And Exotics Guide

Update: Xur and his excellent stock of Exotics and Legendary weapons has left the solar system for the weekend of Sept. 17, unfortunately. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s selling for the weekend of Sept. 24-28.

This week was a big one for Destiny 2, with the arrival of the Ager’s Scepter Exotic trace rifle and the second of week of the now-excellent Trials of Osiris. Xur has returned as well, giving you another chance to get great new gear from the Agent of the Nine. Here’s what he’s offering and where you can find him.

Head to the Tower, to the Hangar area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Merciless. Hunters can pick up the Shards of Galanor gauntlets; for Titans, there’s the One-Eyed Mask helmet; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Geomag Stabilizers leg armor.

Titans and Warlocks should absolutely take advantage of Xur’s One-Eyed Mask and Geomag Stabilizers, each of which sport very high stat rolls that are above average for what he’s usually selling. In addition to Exotics, don’t sleep on Xur’s several great Legendary weapons this week, as well. First, fusion rifles are killer this season, and Xur is offering a pretty great Main Ingredient. This is a tough fusion to come by anywhere else and this one carries Tap the Trigger and Under Pressure, plus can get great range, making it a phenomenal PvP option. Pick this one up.

Meanwhile, Xur’s Dire Promise, with Rangefinder and Snapshot Sights, is a great PvP roll, especially if you’re playing on controller and need the extra Stability from the Masterwork option. His Bottom Dollar is also a solid primary, with Outland and Dragonfly being effective in both PvP and PvE situations. If you don’t have a Truthteller with Blinding Grenades, snag this one, especially if you want to take on Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes later in the season–Blinding Grenades are great for those. Finally, Xur’s Escape Velocity and Ikelos_SMG_V1.0.2 are both great workhorse guns that will chew through lots of enemies, and his Steel Sybil Z-14 carries Relentless Strikes and Whirlwind Blade, which is the dream synergy for maximizing sword damage in PvE.

Xur is also offering the Season of the Hunt armor set–the Wild Hunt set. For Hunters, you can find three pieces with stat rolls of above 60, which are definitely worth your attention. Warlocks can pick up a good Legendary helmet from Xur this week, and Titans can get a strong set of boots, with some other 60+ options as well.

Xur Location

Spawn in at the Tower’s central transmat zone and head left, down the stairs, into the Hangar. When you get to the bottom, take another left and head to the north end of the hangar, near its edge. Look for another flight of stairs that will take you up onto a catwalk, where Xur is waiting.

Xur returns to the solar system every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. The thing is, where he’ll land isn’t known until he actually arrives. Xur can hang out at one of several locations, including in the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ. Xur’s inventory also changes each week, so it’s worth revisiting him on the weekends for new weapons and rolls on Exotic and Legendary armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the solar system.

Xur Exotic Items

This week, Xur offers Merciless, a fusion rifle that doesn’t get much love from the Destiny 2 community. It’s not bad, though, especially given the way fusion rifles have been boosted this season with tweaks to their archetypes and useful mods on the Seasonal Artifact. Merciless gains faster charging when you hit an enemy with it but don’t kill them; that can be useful in emergencies in PvP, but it’s better for ravaging boss enemies in PvE. Titans and Warlocks should also absolutely take advantage of the high-stat rolls for One-Eyed Mask and Geomag Stabilizers. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsMerciless — 29 legendary shardsShards of Galanor — 23 legendary shardsOne-Eyed Mask — 23 legendary shardsGeomag Stabilizers — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — freeLegendary weapons and armor — 50 legendary shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Each week, Xur offers one Exotic weapon and three pieces of Exotic armor: one for each character class. The inventory is random, as are the stat rolls you can expect on each of his armor offerings, so if you’re looking to fill out your collection or if you’re hoping for better versions of Exotics you already have, it’s worth visiting him. Xur also brings an Exotic Engram, which is guaranteed to drop something you don’t already have, if there are Exotics missing from your collection on that particular character–but that doesn’t include Exotics you have to earn through activities, including the new Exotic armors added each season, which can only be claimed from Legendary or Master Lost Sectors.

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Merciless (Fusion Rifle)

Merciless is the fusion rifle built to dish out damage until something big dies. Every time you land a hit with the rifle but don’t kill the enemy you’re shooting, the charge time for your next shot drops, allowing you to blast away at boss enemies especially. If you do kill a target, Merciless gains a damage boost, so nailing smaller enemies with a blast and then turning your attention to a boss can get you the best of both worlds. Pair it with this season’s Particle Deconstruction perk for even more damage.

Shards of Galanor (Hunter)

If you’re a fan of Blade Barrage, Shards of Galanor is a good go-to Exotic to boost your Super. Every time you land a hit or a kill with the Super, you get Super energy back, allowing you to charge up for another blast of Blades more quickly. Bungie has set a limit on how much Super energy you can get back, so this Exotic isn’t as stunning as it used to be, but it can still be helpful in getting you lots of Supers quickly in a variety of situations.


Mobility: 10Resilience: 13Recovery: 9Discipline: 9Intellect: 13Strength: 8Total: 62

One-Eyed Mask (Titan)

It’s not the must-use PvP Exotic it once was, but One-Eyed Mask is still a great option for Titans. The Exotic marks enemies who damage you, and if you kill them, you get an Overshield. That can be great for allowing you to survive multiple duels in tough PvP scenarios like the Trials of Osiris. Xur’s stat roll on this one is something you shouldn’t ignore, too–even if you have a One-Eyed Mask, this is likely a better one.


Mobility: 19Resilience: 7Recovery: 8Discipline: 9Intellect: 8Strength: 16Total: 67

Geomag Stabilizers (Warlock)

Another Exotic you should definitely pick up this week is Xur’s version of Geomag Stabilizers. For Warlocks, this was an essential Exotic for all situations–it extends your Chaos Reach Super whenever you deal damage to enemies, making it go on for a very long time. Bungie removed the Exotic’s previous Topping Off perk, which allowed you to sprint to get your Super back much more quickly than other players could, but even without that benefit, Geomag Stabilizers will allow you to do massive damage to bosses and help you to clear whole rooms of Guardians in PvP.


Mobility: 12Resilience: 15Recovery: 8Discipline: 15Intellect: 10Strength: 7Total: 67

About Phil Hornshaw

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