One of the Destiny 2 Into the Light triumphs asks you to find all 7 oracles during The Whisper. The exotic mission is quite hard to navigate as is, even more so if you’re trying to find collectibles in pitch-dark corridors.
If you’re wondering where to find all 7 oracles during The Whisper in Destiny 2 to complete the “Oracular Seeker” triumph, the steps below will be of help. Note that the activity is time-gated, which means you’ll need to wait until future weekly resets for all oracles to become available.
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Table of Contents [hide]Destiny 2 Oracle Locations in The Whisper – Week 1Oracle 1 LocationOracle 2 LocationHow to Get the Karve of the Worm in Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Oracle Locations in The Whisper – Week 1
During Into the Light’s launch week, there are only two oracles available to find during The Whisper, which is an exotic mission. You can either tackle them from the get-go or wait until more collectives are unlocked.
According to the triumph’s progress list, the first week’s collectibles account for Oracles 1 and 2, so we’ll be using that denomination going forward. They’re both easy enough to locate–in fact, you can tackle this on your own without the need to team up with others.
Lastly, there’s a chance you might not see the oracles during your first time going through The Whisper. If so, make sure to finish the quest once. I didn’t need to equip Whisper of the Worm to destroy them, either, so feel free to pick whichever loadout suits you best.
Oracle 1 Location
The first oracle needed for Oracular Seeker is found early in The Whisper. You begin the mission by descending through the hole after destroying the Taken Blight.
Eventually, you’ll come across a corridor with walls on each side, and the objective will change to “Traverse Deeper into the Anomaly” as you’re moving. You’ll then see a red light after the gap–before you jump toward it, we’re taking a detour to the left side of this dark room.
There’s some wreckage blocking the way–jump over it and stick to the left wall. There is a ledge that allows you to slowly walk toward the corner.
Turn left in the corner and you’ll see a fallen enemy next to the first oracle. Shoot it with any weapon to destroy it. I was rewarded with the White Nail II for doing so.
Oracle 2 Location
During the “Traver Deeper into the Anomaly” objective, you’ll have to crouch your way through a long corridor with a few moving platforms. Once you reach the farther end, you’ll see two orbs, which are followed by the elevator that takes you to an upper section.
Stick to the path as per usual, taking the elevator again. Now, instead of turning left and heading inside the path with the blue light that leads to a corridor to the next area, stick to the ledge of the wall and continue forward.
Yes, at some point the path will cut off, but this is the right direction. You’ll notice a gap between two ledges. If you aim at the gap and them look upwards, you’ll notice a narrow entrance to a room above. It can be hard to see from below, so if anything, make a jump first to get a better view.
Double jump your way to the room and turn right. There are quite a few fallen enemies, as well as the second oracle. I was rewarded with the Karve of the Worm Schematic for this. That’s all for the first week.
How to Get the Karve of the Worm in Destiny 2
To get the Karve of the Worm in Destiny 2, you’ll have to gather all 7 oracles and complete the “Oracle Seeker” triumph.
The triumph seems to be time-gated, which means it’s going to take a few weeks until you can get your hands on the reward. Until all collectibles are available in The Whisper, make sure to gather Trophies of Bravery and play Onslaught matches to unlock Brave weapons. Every second counts.
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