Where To Find Calus In Season Of The Haunted's Sever Missions

For Destiny 2′s Season of the Haunted, Bungie decided that the Leviathan being haunted by ghosts wasn’t bad enough. On top of the ghouls creepily floating everywhere, Calus, everyone’s favorite dejected Cabal emperor, has joined in on the fun. He can be heard all over the now Derelict Leviathan ship, especially in patrols and public events like Nightmare Containment. However, there is also a Calus automaton that moves between instances of this season’s weekly mission, Sever. Everytime you bump into his mangled form, he’s got something ominous and creepy to say, so he’s really maintaining the overall vibe pretty well.

Calus appears in all six of the Season of the Haunted’s Sever missions. Upon listening to all of his messages, players will complete the Hear, Don’t Heed triumph, which they will need to finish the Season of the Haunted Seal and unlock the Reaper title. Here’s where you can find Calus in all six Sever missions.

Table of Contents [hide]Week 6Week 5Week 4Week 3Week 2Week 1

Week 6

For his final trick, Calus has elected to do the unthinkable: make things easy on us. The sixth and final Sever mission of the season, Resolve, closes out Caiatl’s arc in the Leviathan’s underbelly and marks robo-Calus’ final migration. Instead of moving further back in the mission though, as he usually does, he’s actually right near the beginning this time around.

Fight your way through the mission as usual until you get to the U-shaped room where you and some of Caiatl’s soldiers fight through Loyalists and Scorn and clear out the room before proceeding to robo-Calus. At the bend in the room, you’ll see a dark corridor with a blinking light that you’re going to want to go inside. Don’t worry, it’s also U-shaped, so you’ll pop right back out into the same room on the other end. Between the doors though, you’ll find Calus’ robotic remains for the last time this season.

Calus’ parting words for us this week have to do with how much he expected that you’d reject his advances and offers and how he’s thrived on the conflict between him and you, but is ready to move beyond it. Secure in his “enormity,” he’s ready for greater things. We’ll see about that.

Week 5

Another week, another failed Severance. This time around we’re trying to unburden Caiatl from the nightmare of one Dominus Ghaul, the former leader of the Red Legion who once took the Traveler from us way back in vanilla Destiny 2. All the while, it’s up to us to scrounge the Leviathan for signs of robo-Calus, who is capable of quite a lot of movement for such a busted automaton. He’s actually gotten much better at this game of hide-and-seek and is exceptionally well-hidden this week.

To find robo-Calus in this week’s Sever mission, Rage, you’ve got to fight your way through the mission until you reach the unkillable Unrelenting Nightmare that hunted us during the first Sever mission. The goal here is to burn it in one of the immolation halls on either side of the room where you encounter it, but if you go to the one on the right, you’ll also find robo-Calus tucked away. Follow the wall in the main room until you see the entrance to the right immolation hall. Once you’re in, you’ll immediately see a red pipe and some fungus as well as a gap between them where a well-placed Guardian could slip through. Once you do, just follow the short path to where robo-Calus is propped up and listen to him rant for one of the last times this season

This week, Calus is excited by his daughter Caiatl’s anger, which is no surprise considering how much he seems to be thriving on negative emotions this season. It sure does make him a bad dad though!

Week 4

By now, you all must be familiar with robo-Calus’ deal, but yes he has moved once again. In this week’s Sever mission, Forgiveness, he’s dug himself in a bit deeper but no worries, he’s still a pretty easy spot.

Follow the main objective of the mission until you have to open the door with the giant wrench. Once you pass through that door, you’ll arrive in the Irrigation area of the Derelict Leviathan’s underbelly. The main objective here is to defeat waves of Scorn, and I’d encourage you to do that before locating robo-Calus. From that door, there will be a passage on your right that leads to a narrow hall that runs the length of the room’s right side. If you follow this, you’ll once again see an open door on your right through some fungi, and you’ll spot robo-Calus through there. However, before you talk to him, you should definitely clear the room of Scorn, since that’s the main objective here. Our little friend isn’t going anywhere right this moment.

This time around, Calus takes an interesting tact. Rather than trying to tell you to give up again, he’ll actually suggest that the Guardian should turn Zavala over to him. Zavala, whose Sever missions we’ve been doing, has been racked with guilt, but Calus suggests that he can give him what he wants.

Week 3

This week’s Sever mission, Grief, brought us to a whole new side of the underbelly of the Leviathan, which means the automaton is definitely moving and setting a decent pace too!

Despite his speed, robo-Calus is still not any better at hiding and he’s made it even easier this week by appearing right near the beginning of the mission. Take the intended route until you reach the first combat encounter in a room that looks like an industrial garden. If you follow the walkway to the end, you’ll notice that it transitions into a ramp going down. At the top of the ramp, look just to your right where, nestled just between two of the pillars, you can make out robo-Calus. He’s definitely seen better days.

Once you find robo-Calus, he’ll start ranting about how much he feels connected to the Leviathan and enjoys letting us explore its innards. He also suggests that his connection extends so far that he feels like it’s us wriggling inside of him and it gets to be a bit uncomfortable as he comes on to us. Absolutely cannot wait to see where this conversation goes in the weeks to come.

Week 2

Surprise, surprise, the freaky Calus automaton moves. How lovely. This week, robo-Calus has inched a bit closer to the heart of the Leviathan’s underbelly, which is frightening to think about. What is it crawling to exactly, and what might it get once it’s there…

With those frightening questions in mind, it’s time to track it down. This week’s Sever mission, Reconciliation, plays out mostly the same as Shame, so place the first beacon and crawl through the vents to where robo-Calus was the first week. However, continue left this time to the main objective, where you’ll fight off waves of Cabal loyalists in a dark room and eventually restore power to it.

With the room all lit up now, players are free to explore before moving on, at which point they trigger a vent that has an Egregore plant that’ll let you bypass a door. However, if you look just to the right of that vent now, you will see, you guessed it, robo-Calus in all his disheveled glory in his own private room. He’s got more words of discouragement for you this week, so listen up.

Week 1

For the first week, you can find the remains of one of Calus’ automatons shortly after the beginning of the Sever mission Shame, which focuses on Crow. Once you’ve placed the first of Eris Morn’s beacons down, the game will direct you toward a small opening into a winding passage of vents. Once you emerge on the other side, you can follow the marker to your goal on the left or take a right. If you take a right, you will find Calus’ disemboweled robot in the corner and approaching it will bring it whirring to life.

Calus will speak to you directly at this point, forgiving you for your last hostile encounter with him and inviting you to “turn back and enjoy what’s to come,” as he and the Darkness encroach on everything you know.

And that’ll do it for Calus’ locations in the Leviathan underbelly! With this task done, make sure to round out the others so that you can finish your Seal and get your Reaper title before the season is up. Calus’ bobbleheads are still scattered around the Leviathan for players to find and the Season of the Haunted is filled with challenges to overcome, as well as cool new gear to find.

About Moises Taveras

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