Where To Find Hidden Bunkers In Fortnite

One of Fortnite‘s Season 5, Week 9 challenges is to find a hidden bunker. There are three hidden bunkers to choose from. The bunkers are spread pretty evenly across the map, as you’ll see below. Luckily, you only have to actually locate one to complete the objective. Take your pick based on your favorite area from the battle royale map.

These challenges are now live as of January 28, and some of them are short enough that you can complete them in one battle royale match. Below, we’ve circled the location of all three bunkers on the map. Just pick one to dive toward at the start of the game and you can complete the challenge in the blink of an eye.

Hidden bunker locations in Fortnite

The three hidden bunkers can be found in or nearby the following locations:

Under the Unremarkable Shack on the island northwest of Craggy CliffsUnder the ocean near the stone statues south of Holly HedgesUnder a bush near a cliffside campsite east of Retail Row

If you have fun discovering things on your own, these hints should give you a good starting place to start searching. For those of you who don’t mind getting the more specific information about exactly where to go, keep on reading.

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Unremarkable Shack bunker

Head to the small island northwest of Craggy Cliffs, where you’ll find a landmark called the Unremarkable Shack. Behind the wooden shack, facing the beach, is a pile of wooden pallets and other debris.

Destroy the debris to unblock the hidden bunker beneath the shack.

Underwater bunker

The underwater bunker is a little trickier to find. It is located roughly south of Holly Hedges and northwest of Slurpy Swamp. If you zoom into the map, you’ll notice a piece of cliffside jutting out over the water. There, you’ll find the circle of stones overlooking the ocean.

The bunker is located underwater just off the shore of these cliffs. To find it, you’ll have to jump into the water and dive under using the jump button. Repeatedly tap the jump button as you swim around so your character dives under. You should see the bunker between two patches of coral. Approach the bunker to register it for your challenge.

Campsite bunker

The hidden campsite bunker is located east of Retail Row, up on the cliffs overlooking the water. The easiest way to find it is to look for the small campsite with the purple and white tents.

Face the water and turn away from the campsite, so the ocean is to your left. You should see a large bush between two trees. It’s hiding the bunker.

Destroy the bush to reveal the hidden bunker underneath.’

For more Fortnite guides, check out the rest of the Season 5, Week 9 challenges, including where to find the crashed plane’s black box, where to shakedown an IO Guard, and where to emote at stone statues. You can also now play as one of the most legendary heroes in pop culture: GI Joe’s Snake Eyes. The ninja was added to the item store on January 30.

About Lonnie Rad

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