Where To Find Ice Cream Cones In Fortnite

In Fortnite Summer Escape, the game’s 2023 summer event, you’ll want to find ice cream cones as part of multiple in-game challenges, each of them rewarding you with 30,000 XP toward your Chapter 4 Season 3 battle pass. Ice cream isn’t so uncommon, but in the heat of a moment, when you feel you need to find it now–I know all too well the feeling of wanting to sprint through my quest log–you’ll want to head to specific spots on the map for your best chance to find them. Below you can see a few excellent spots to likely find these randomly placed desserts.

Fortnite ice cream cone locations

While ice cream cones are liable to spawn in any chest at random, they seem to spawn most in the blue and white coolers you’ll find around the map. With that in mind, there are a few sections of the map where these appear most commonly.

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Creeky Compound, including the temporary landmark to the west of it, Sunswoon Lagoon, is one fantastic spot to try first, as the region includes as many as 19 cooler spawn locations. Provided you can survive long enough, you will all but surely find a few of each ice cream cone type in this region.

If that drop isn’t conducive to survival in your next round, a few other great spots to try include the area between Creeky Compound and Slappy Shores, Frenzy Fields and its surrounding area, or Steamy Springs. Coolers are abundant in all of these areas and should give you a few options to drop somewhere quiet.

Ice cream types

As a reminder, each ice cream provides a different buff. Here’s what to expect when you indulge in a sweet treat:

Normal Ice Cream Cone – Heals 5 HPFrozen Ice Cream Cone – Heals 5 HP and adds temporary frozen feet buffGuzzling Ice Cream Cone – Heals HP to full slowly over time (2 HP per second)Spicy Ice Cream Cone – Heals 5 HP and adds temporary speed boostLil’ Whip’s Special Serve – Instantly fully heals HP and shields

For completing Summer Escape quests, you’ll unlock several free cosmetics, including an emote referencing a Leonardo DiCaprio movie. Find all the details here in our Summer Escape hub.

About Mark Delaney

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