Where To Find Timber Pines In Fortnite

In Fortnite Chapter 3, you’ll need to find Timber Pines in Fortnite in order to complete one of nine Week 5 challenges. These tall, heavy trees are unlike those veteran players may be used to, as they actually fall over, rather than disappear into thin air, when cut down. While this provides a new element of strategy–why not just knock some trees onto an enemy build?–they’ll also serve you 25,000 XP if you know where to find them.

Fortnite Timber Pines

The goal of this challenge is to knock down Timber Pines. Specifically, you’ll need to knock five different trees over. While these trees can be found sporadically all over the island, your best bet is to head to the northwest corner of the map and search around Logjam Lumberyard. There you’ll find an abundance of these special trees.

Knocking down five of them should only take a moment, provided enemies don’t disturb your attempt, but the close proximity of these Timber Pines in this region serves more of a purpose than just allowing you to quickly move from one to another: Should any Timber Pines fall onto any others, those subsequent trees will be knocked down as well.

That’s what makes completing this challenge in this region so efficient. With the right angle, just one tree may set off a chain reaction that grants you five knocked down Timber Pines in a hurry–and even if they don’t, you should be only a few feet away from chopping down the next one.

With this strategy, you’ll earn 25,000 XP in a hurry and be on your way to completing more of Fortnite’s weekly challenges.

About Mark Delaney

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