Fortnite Unvaulted: Where To Get Heavy Sniper, Boom Sniper, And Ace’s Exotics Vending Machine

The most important part of any shooter is its guns, and that usually means the more the merrier. During Fortnite‘s current Most Wanted event, you can get your hands on some returning weaponry from days gone by–including some that are needed for the event challenges, like the Heavy Sniper Rifle and Boom Sniper Rifle. A few of these unvaulted guns can only be found by buying them at Ace’s Exotic vending machines, though, so we’ll tell you where to find one of those and where to get the rest of the guns below.

Where to find Ace’s Exotic Vending Machine

There are two types of Ace’s vending machines that spawn around the map: Ace’s Armory vending machines and Ace’s Exotic vending machines. The former is common and sells standard weaponry, while the latter is much rarer and sells exotic weapons for a hefty price. Since vending machine spawns can be a bit random, you’ll just need to look in populated areas for them–but you should prioritize named locations each time you drop into the map, as they have dedicated vending machine spawn locations. They won’t always be of the Exotic variety, but if you’re lucky, it will be.

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All of the unvaulted guns and where to get them

There are quite a few guns that have been unvaulted for the big event, including some fan favorites that many are certain to be gunning (pun intended) for in every match.

Hand Cannon

The Hand Cannon can be found on the ground, in vending machines, or in chests and supply drops. It’s an immensely powerful Desert Eagle that makes for an excellent sidearm in any setup.

Dual Pistols

The Dual Pistols can be found on the ground, in vending machines, or in chests and supply drops. They fire quickly and make great close-quarters sidearms, but they’ll do a bit more poorly if there is much distance between you and your opponent.

Heavy Sniper

The Heavy Sniper can be found on the ground, in vending machines, or in chests and supply drops. It’s the strongest sniper in the game and can down someone in a single headshot, so you’ll want to keep it on you if you stumble across one. Finding this weapon will complete the Most Wanted quest “Collect a Heavy Sniper or Boom Sniper Rifle.”

Hop Rock Dualies

The Hop Rock Dualies is an exotic weapon that can be purchased from Ace’s Exotics vending machine. These guns are basically just exotic versions of the Dual Pistols, except you’ll also temporarily gain a low gravity effect after firing them, which will allow you to jump higher and further while also avoiding fall damage.

Suppressed Pistol

The Suppressed Pistol can be found on the ground, in vending machines, or in chests and supply drops. It won’t do much for you at a distance, but it can be fun to use when sneaking up on your foes and wanting to go for some silent hits.

Boom Sniper Rifle

The Boom Sniper Rifle is an exotic weapon that can be purchased from Ace’s Exotics vending machine. It fires a projectile that will stick to opponents and deal damage after a short while, making it a fun gun to bring along. Buying this weapon will complete the Most Wanted quest “Collect a Heavy Sniper or Boom Sniper Rifle.”

For more on Fortnite, check out how Heat works and where to find a Flare Gun.

About Billy Givens

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