The PUBG that took the video game industry by storm in 2017 is coming back for a limited time with the Erangel Classic event. Officially known today as PUBG: Battlegrounds, the battle royale that birthed a frenzied race to dominate the genre is looking to its storied past unlike ever before. From May 14-28 on PC, and May 23-June 6 on consoles, the original version of Erangel, the game’s first and, to this day, most beloved map, will be free for all players.
It seems the battle royale genre is now old enough to elicit nostalgia among its players as PUBG is not the first to do this–Fortnite OG saw the game’s original map return for a few weeks at the end of 2023, and the original versions of Call of Duty and Apex Legends’ oldest maps have returned at different times over recent years, too.
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Now Playing: PUBG | Erangel Classic Returns
We caught up with PUBG: Battlegrounds’ production director, Taehyun Kim, to learn what the team hopes to achieve with Erangel Classic, how it balances nostalgia with quality-of-life improvements, and whether any other map might enjoy a similar blast from the past. He also offered tips to new players who may jump in with the odds stacked against them as they stare down level-500 veterans.
GameSpot: The team is reversing the clock with Erangel Classic. Can you talk about how long this idea has been in development and what you hope players get out of it?
Taehyun Kim: The idea of designing Erangel Classic is relatively recent; we started its design five months ago. As developers, we think the current gameplay with seven years of refinement is as good as the old experience. Erangel Classic isn’t necessarily about offering a completely new experience. Instead, we hope those who enjoyed the old PUBG: Battlegrounds and those who enjoy the current one can both reminisce about the past and make new memories with this update.
The battle royale space has long been full of games inspiring each other. How much did 2023’s “Fortnite OG” event affect Erangel Classic? Did you take any lessons away from it, in terms of what to do or not to do with your own nostalgic event?
Erangel Classic wasn’t inspired by specific games. Instead, the idea came about during a coffee break when some of our team members said they miss the old PUBG: Battlegrounds and want to play in the old Erangel map. That’s where we started. The initial idea was simply to provide a gameplay experience in the old Erangel map, but it eventually evolved into the current Erangel Classic after further refinement and development.
Do you envision any Erangel Classic features sticking around after the event? Personally, I’m partial to the gloomy weather.
There are no plans at the moment.
Erangel Classic revives some “charmingly tacky” features, to borrow your own words, like the old UI font and the availability of clothing as pick-ups around the map. Was there any internal conflict or indecision regarding bringing back these features, which are nostalgic but also not necessarily helpful?
The UI has been improved in a way that is more helpful gameplay-wise through a lot of internal reviews and discussions. It wasn’t an easy choice for us to bring back the less-convenient UI when we already have this advanced version. However, we decided to go ahead with it since we also have cherished memories about the old Erangel and tried hard to recapture the feel and experience from the old PUBG: Battlegrounds.
Erangel in any of its forms is my personal favorite PUBG map. In your own words, what makes the original Erangel map so iconic?
Erangel is PUBG: Battlegrounds’ first map, which provided the first experience of the BR genre to many players leaving them with cherished memories. Featuring various terrain types from cities and farms to forests and hills, the map supports all kinds of combat styles. This terrain diversity allows players to develop various tactics and enjoy strategic gameplay whether it’s thrilling stealth maneuvers or fast-paced assaults. These characteristics make the game more fun and engagingly challenging, which is why Erangel is considered one of the most iconic maps in the entire [battle royale] genre, not just in PUBG: Battlegrounds.
Do you envision running any other nostalgia-themed events like this with other maps? Do players have the same affection for any other maps?
We don’t have specific plans yet. Erangel is where many of our fans met PUBG: Battlegrounds for the first time, and they vividly remember significant moments like their first chicken dinner they had in the map. These memories are what endear Erangel to our fans. Other maps, meanwhile, have their own unique charms and features, leading to varied preferences among players on them based on their tastes.
With modern mechanics like ledge-grabs now being applied to a map that previously didn’t feature them, has the team found any specific areas of the map in which players may have a drastically different experience, such as reaching new heights that were once unavailable?
We optimized the shape of buildings and collisions for parkour and ledge-grabs in Erangel Classic. Some buildings have a slight difference in their forms or placement, but their climbable heights remain similar compared to the current Erangel. However, you will need to be more careful when traveling around rocky mountains or Stalber since mountain areas are now much higher in Erangel Classic.
For players who never played on the original Erangel, how do you suggest they approach this massive map, considering they may be going up against some seasoned veterans? What tips or landing spots might you offer as advice?
Erangel went through a lot of changes with the Remaster, but the core gameplay didn’t change. Erangel Classic has a simpler layout compared to the current version of the map. It has more flat fields, more rugged mountains, and fewer towns and buildings, meaning that you should be more strategic about where to loot. Also, there’s no guaranteed vehicle spawn, so quickly finding a vehicle early in the game is important. In areas like Sosnovka Military Base, you should be especially careful; the absence of catwalks and ferries makes you more vulnerable to attacks on the bridge, like in the past.
Erangel Classic kicks off this week, May 14 on PC, and next week, May 23, on Xbox and PlayStation platforms. Ahead of the event, you can watch a short film, The PUBG Paradox, on YouTube, starring PUBG: Battlegrounds pros Shroud and WackyJacky101.