Will There Be An Uncharted 5? "Never Say Never," Dev Says

The Uncharted series is back in action with The Legacy of Thieves Collection releasing this week on PS5 and the Tom Holland Uncharted movie coming to theaters in February. Given all the big developments for the series lately, some might be wondering if Naughty Dog might return to the franchise with a new installment in the series some day.

Shaun Escayg, a Naughty Dog veteran who worked on Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy most recently, said in an interview with GamesRadar that the team has a “never say never” attitude about it.

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Now Playing: Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Video Review

“I think we can say for certain that we can never say never. Yeah. Uncharted is a franchise we love– that the studio loves. It’s a world we want to see more of. So I can certainly say that,” Escayg said.

The Legacy of Thieves Collection bundles together updated versions of Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy. No properly new entries in the series have been announced, however. Uncharted 4 wrapped up Nathan Drake’s story, while Lost Legacy focused on different heroes, Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross.

Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann said in 2016 that he would be eager to see what a different studio could accomplish in the Uncharted series. “I’d want to play an Uncharted I didn’t work on. It’d be a lot of fun. We’d just want to make sure they get the essence of it right,” he said.

While the future of the Uncharted video game series is uncertain, Sony’s Uncharted movie with Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg comes to theaters in February. Everyone who buys The Legacy of Thieves Collection gets a free ticket to see the film.

As for what Naughty Dog is making next, Druckmann said recently that he is “dying” to discuss the company’s next projects. One of the games is likely the Last of Us multiplayer project that has been in the works for some time. Druckmann has also teased that the studio might make The Last of Us 3 or a new IP. “The next thing could be a Part III, the next thing could be some new IP,” he said in an interview.

For more, check out GameSpot’s Legacy of Thieves Collection review and what other critics are saying.

About Eddie Makuch

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