With GTA 6 Underway, Rockstar Games Has Posted Dozens Of New Jobs

Grand Theft Auto 6 development is underway at Rockstar, and dozens of new job listings for the company have recently gone live.

As noted by PCGamesN, 70 new Rockstar positions have been posted in the last 24 hours or so. In total, there are 227 open positions, with the jobs ranging everywhere from an associate designer responsible for “open-world events” to an associate dialogue designer to help create “ground-breaking interactive narratives.”

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The job listings also include calls for animators, engineers, testers, and more. The jobs are across a number of Rockstar studios, including Rockstar New York, Rockstar North, Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar New England, and Rockstar India.

While it’s assumed most of these new job listings would be for GTA-related positions, the jobs do not specifically mention Rockstar’s upcoming open world-title by name. One position does mention GTA+, the new subscription service for GTA Online that could potentially factor into GTA 6 in some yet unknown way. But for the most part, the positions, if they reference any specific type of game at all, tend to mention “open world” games and all the various aspects and challenges games like GTA entail.

Rumors around GTA 6 have swirled recently, with claims that the game will be set in Vice City, Liberty City, or maybe both. The game will reportedly be set in the modern day and could star a female protagonist in some capacity. Back in February, Rockstar confirmed that development on the next GTA is “well underway.” More recently, Rockstar outlined some of its future plans in regards to GTA Online and Red Dead Online, stating that the developer has been “steadily moving more development resources towards the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series” and that it is keenly aware of its need to “exceed players’ expectations and for this next entry to be the best it can possibly be.”

Reports circulated earlier this month that planned remakes for earlier Rockstar titles like Red Dead Redemption and GTA IV have been shelved, in part due to negative criticism surrounding the launch of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy–The Definitive Edition.

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