Wonder Woman Game Teased During The Game Awards From Monolith

The Game Awards packed a surprise announcement for a new game based on one of comics’ most iconic characters. Wonder Woman is getting a game from Warner Bros. and Monolith.

According to the trailer’s description, this will be an original single-player story detailing how Diana attempts to unite her Amazonian family with modern humanity. It will use the Nemesis system from the Shadow of Mordor duology to forge connections with allies and enemies.

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Now Playing: Wonder Woman Reveal Trailer | Game Awards 2021

So far, though, all we’ve seen is a teaser-trailer, which mostly set the tone. It included slow pans across Wonder Woman’s costuming and equipment, with some narration about how she can be a hero and a leader. Presumably that means the game will include Queen Hippolyta, as the narrator calls Wonder Woman her daughter.

Meanwhile, another DC Comics game is in the works from Rocksteady. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is set in the Arkham universe, and has the eponymous antiheroes attempt to take out the Justice League after they’re compromised by Brainiac. As a founding member of the Justice League, we’re likely to see Wonder Woman in that game too.

About Steve Watts

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