WordleBot Can Help You Get Better At Wordle

The New York Times has released a tool to help players improve at Wordle. Called WordleBot, the tool walks a player through their guesses and suggests better ones that can cut down the number of tries it takes them to complete Wordle’s daily five-letter word puzzle.

You can upload a screenshot of a puzzle you’ve attempted, or you can open the tool in the same browser you play Wordle in. Either way, WordleBot will first rate your completed puzzle on skill and luck. Skill is achieving the minimum number of attempts needed to find the solution, and luck is how many solutions your guesses unexpectedly eliminate.

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Elaborating on what the luck category exactly means, the NYT writes, “Our luck measurements represent how unexpected the outcomes of your guesses are, conditional on what we’d expect, on average, given what we know about the solution at that time.”

Also interestingly enough, WordleBot believes “crane” is the best opening word. As the NYT notes, though, the truly best opening word really depends on the player.

After the opening try, WordleBot will walk through each of your guesses and suggest what it would’ve tried. In the end, it’ll compare your solution with its solution.

But while WordleBot will hopefully help make you better at Wordle puzzles, you won’t have to worry about spoilers. It doesn’t give advice for uncompleted games.

For more about the game that took the internet by the storm, you can also check out our Wordle articles:

Wordle: Best Starting Words To Use And Other Game TipsThe Best Wordle Starting Word Has Been Figured Out With (Computer) ScienceNine Wordle-Inspired Games To Check Out

About Jenny Zheng

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