World Of Warcraft Player Manages To Hit Level 80 Just 9 Hours After Wrath Classic Released

A World of Warcraft player has somehow managed to already hit level 80 a staggeringly short nine hours after Wrath of the Lich King Classic launched.

As reported on by PCGamer and spotted by user Stan on Icy Veins, Echo Guild member Naowh shared on Twitter that he is possibly the first player to hit level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King. Naowh posted the tweet just before 3 AM ET, about nine hours after the expansion launched, a ridiculous feat in such a short timeframe.

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As noted by other Twitter users, to accomplish this, Naowh went to a grind spot present in the original expansion, which let him tag multiple zombies that are repeatedly spawned in by an elite enemy, but is still able to claim the XP from them when they despawn.

WoW was known for its slightly grinding leveling process back when these expansions would have first come out, making the achievement all the more impressive.

Blizzard announced that Wrath of the Lich King would be returning to WoW Classic earlier this year, much to the joy of many fans, as it’s fairly widely regarded as one of the MMO’s most popular expansions. Also announced at the time was the new expansion Dragonflight, which made GameSpot’s Cameron Koch excited to play WoW again after spending some time with it.

Dragonflight will add playable dragons to the MMO, and will bring talent trees reminiscent of those seen in Classic back to the main game.

GameSpot’s original Wrath of the Lich King review gave the expansion a 9/10, giving particular praise to the varied classes and your actions actually having an impact on the world around you.

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