WoW Classic Season Of Discovery Will Turn The Old-School MMO On Its Head

World of Warcraft Classic is getting a new season titled Season of Discovery in just a few weeks, and it sounds like it will completely turn the game on its head.

Revealed during BlizzCon 2023’s opening ceremony, Season of Discovery will launch on November 30 and allow players to play WoW’s tried-and-true classes in brand-new ways. Warcraft executive producer Holly Longdale said a Mage could become a healer or a Warlock a tank, just to give a few examples of what will be possible.

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How will that work, exactly? It’s thank to a new rune system, which will grant players new abilities never before available in WoW Classic. Players can find runes hidden throughout the game world, some of which will be easy to find while others might require a group-effort. Once acquired, the new rune-engraving system will allow players to swap their runes in and out to experiment with different builds.

That’s far from the only change coming with Season of Discovery. An incremental level cap will see players doing endgame content at level 25, before the cap is eventually raised over time. What used to be a leveling dungeon, Blackfathom Deeps, will instead become a 10-player raid, with new and reimagined bosses, mechanics, and rewards. There will be new content for PvP players as well, with Ashenvale becoming home to a new PvP event.

Season of Discovery will be WoW Classic’s second season, the first having been Season of Mastery, which increased leveling speeds and focused on making much of the MMO’s endgame content more challenging. WoW Classic itself launched in 2019, once again giving players a way to experience the old-school version of Blizzard’s MMO, something that hadn’t been possible ever since the introduction of the game’s Cataclysm expansion in 2010.

A new WoW Classic Season was just part of Blizzard’s barrage of BlizzCon WoW announcements. In addition to Season of Discovery, Wrath of the Lich King Classic will be progressing to Cataclysm Classic (with some changes). Blizzard additionally announced three new expansions for the modern version of WoW, the first of which, The War Within, will be coming in 2024. The new expansions will collectively be called the Worldsoul Saga, and Blizzard teased it will be looking to deliver the new expansions faster than players may be accustomed to.

About Cameron Koch

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