WoW: Dragonflight's Return To The Forbidden Reach Update Lands On March 21

Players hungry for more World of Warcraft: Dragonflight content won’t have to wait long, as Blizzard has confirmed update 10.0.7, Return to the Forbidden Reach, is coming on March 21.

The patch has been available for testing on the game’s public test realm for weeks, where players have gotten to preview upcoming class balance changes and major new story content.

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Headlining the update is the ability for max-level players to finally explore the Forbidden Reach, a zone that was previously exclusive to the dracthyr as their starting experience. Nestled within the new zone is the Zskera Vault, where players can lay claim to hidden treasures and a powerful new ring by collecting keys from throughout the Forbidden Reach. New dragonriding races, and an additional battle pet master, can be found on the Forbidden Reach as well. A new envoy system coming with the update will give players another way to earn reputation with their Dragonflight renown faction of choice.

Patch 10.0.7 will additionally progress the story of Dragonflight in some significant ways, diving into the origins of the dracthyr while also giving tauren chieftain Baine Bloodhoof a personal questline addressing his people’s violent history with the centaur. Many fans have been waiting for Heritage Armor for orcs and humans, and that’s finally coming in the update alongside two questlines to unlock them.

Retribution Paladins will be happy come March 21, as the update will introduce a major rework of the talent tree for the struggling DPS specialization. In an interview with GameSpot, WoW game director Ion Hazzikostas said Blizzard isn’t planning on similar specialization overhauls for other classes in future Dragonflight updates, and that the Retribution paladin rework was an “exceptional” circumstance. The update will bring a revamp of the rewards for the game’s recruit-a-friend system, and will additionally open up the Monk class to three more races: goblins, lightforged draenei, and worgen.

The arrival of 10.0.7 marks the second major update for Dragonflight in 2023, with Blizzard having committed last year to delivering more frequent content updates for its longrunning MMO. WoW executive producer Holly Longdale stated Blizzard’s goal is for there to “always be something right around the corner, with a new update hitting our test realms shortly after the last one is live and in your hands.”

So far Blizzard has delivered on that promise, with the game’s 10.1 Embers of Neltharion update, which will introduce a new raid, zone, renown faction, and cross-faction guilds, set to hit the PTR in the next few days.

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About Cameron Koch

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