WoW Shadowlands Chains of Domination Update Adds New Raid And Dungeon

The first major update for World of Warcraft Shadowlands, Chains of Domination, was announced during BlizzConline, and it sounds very exciting for fans of Blizzard’s long-running MMO. As rumored, the update introduces a new raid and a mega-dungeon, while the content update also sheds light on certain story elements. Of course, it also introduces lots more gear to collect. You can also check out a story trailer below.

The Chains of Domination update introduces a new area, Korthia, which features new quests and outdoor activities to take part in. Players are charged with uniting the four covenants and then launching an assault on the Jailer on his home turf.

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Now Playing: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands: Chains of Domination Trailer | BlizzCon 2021

Chains of Domination also introduces a 10-boss raid called the Sanctum of Domination, and it sounds like a true challenge. It culminates in a battle against the iconic Warcraft villain Sylvanas. “Encounter the true Eye of the Jailer, turn the tide against Tarragrue, and come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation,” reads a line from the description.

A new mega-dungeon called Tazavesh, the Veiled Market, is also included in the Chains of Domination update. This eight-boss Mythic dungeon takes place in the bazaar of Brokers. It ends with a “high-stakes heist” to pillage powerful artifacts.

Finally, the Chains of Domination update–which is free for subscribers–comes with new PvP Season 2 content, new Covenant cosmetic armor sets for any class, additional powers for Soulbinds and Conduits, and more mounts and pets to collect. What’s more, the update introduces flying to the Covenants’ four domains.

For more, check out out recap of BlizzCon announcements.

About Eddie Makuch

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