WoW: Wrath Of The Lich King Classic Release Date May Have Been Leaked By Blizzard

The official World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic website, for a brief few moments, displayed an unannounced release date for the re-release of the MMORPG’s fan-favorite expansion: September 26, 2022.

As spotted by Wowhead, the date has since been scrubbed by Blizzard from the official site. While it could have just been an error or a placeholder date, it seems very likely Wrath of the Lich King Classic will release towards the end of September.

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Now Playing: World of Warcraft Classic – Wrath of the Lich King Cinematic Announcement Trailer

Considering WoW’s new expansion, Dragonflight, is also scheduled to release before the end of 2022, it makes sense that Blizzard would want to release Wrath of the Lich King Classic this fall as opposed to this winter in order to give the two games some breathing room. Wrath of the Lich King Classic is currently in beta testing, with the expansion’s first raid, Naxxramas, having been recently made available for players to put through the ringer.

Though Wrath of the Lich King Classic will operate on the expansion’s final major patch, which added features like the automated dungeon finder, there will be some changes. For starters, the automated dungeon finder tool will not be included. Another major feature added late in the original expansion, quest tracking, was also announced to not be included, though Blizzard has said it has since “changed its thinking” in regards to the feature.

In a change from the original version of the game, players will be able to create their first Deathknight character without having to already have a level-55 character on that same server (though the requirement will still exist for Deathknights created beyond the first). Deathknights will be playable during the game’s pre-patch, which is expected to arrive a few weeks ahead of the expansion’s launch. Once the pre-patch arrives, existing Burning Crusade Classic servers will convert into Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers. The pre-patch will also bring a 50% XP boost event, which should make leveling new characters and getting them ready for the game’s new expansion content a little easier.

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About Cameron Koch

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