WWE 2K23 will be in stores on March 14 (if you’re getting the Icon Edition), but ahead of that release, we’re getting a look at what 2K has planned for the game over the next year. The game studio has released 2K23’s entire DLC plan and it’s stuffed with some very interesting names–including some legends that have never appeared in a WWE video game before.
The downloadable characters will be released over five separate packs between April and August, with the most notable additions being current WWE superstar Bray Wyatt, who returned to the company in October 2022, and the inclusion of WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race and Zeus, the character played by Tommy Lister Jr. in the 1989 film No Holds Barred, which also starred Hulk Hogan. Of course, it’s also worth noting that Lister competed in the WWE (then WWF) between 1989 and 1990 as Zeus.
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You can check out the full DLC roster, along with release dates, below.
Steiner Row PackRelease Date: April 19
Scott SteinerRick SteinerTop DollaAshante AdonisB-Fab (Manager only)
Pretty Sweet PackRelease Date: May 17
Karl AndersonLuke GallowsTiffany StrattonElton PrinceKit Wilson
Race to NXT PackRelease Date: June 14
Harley RaceIvy NileWendy ChooTony D’AngeloTrick Williams
Revel with Wyatt PackRelease Date: July 19
Bray WyattZeusValhallaJoe GacyBlair Davenport
Bad News U PackRelease Date: August 16
Eve TorresWade BarrettDamon KempAndre ChaseNathan Frazer
The DLC packs will be available for individual sale or as part of 2K23’s season pass. This year’s season pass will also include the MyRISE Mega-Boost, which gives you an additional 200 attribute points for your MyRISE created superstar, and the Supercharger, which will unlock all of the base game legends and arenas. Pricing for the season pass and the individual packs has not been announced.
WWE 2K23 Deluxe Digital Edition and Icon Edition will be available as of March 14. The Cross-Gen and Standard Editions release on March 17.