Xbox Game Pass For December Includes Halo Infinite, Among Us, Stardew Valley, And More

Microsoft has announced the new additions to Xbox Game Pass for the first half of December, and the list includes what might be the program’s biggest new release ever, Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite’s campaign arrives for Xbox Game Pass across console, PC, and the cloud on December 8. The multiplayer element is already out now through a beta.

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Now Playing: Halo Infinite – Official Campaign Launch Trailer

Also coming to Xbox Game Pass in December is Ancient Vault Investigation Lab (ANVIL), a new release that comes to the program on December 2 for console and PC. The exploration game sees players traveling through the galaxy to find ancient alien vaults.

Another day one release for Game Pass coming on December 2 is the bullet hell RPG Archvale for console, cloud, and PC. Also arriving that day is Final Fantasy XIII-2 for console and PC, while Lawn Mowing Simulator comes to Game Pass across console, PC, and the cloud on December 2 as well.

December 2 also sees the launch of the day one new release beat-’em-up brawler Rubber Bandits for console, PC, and the cloud, while the beloved zen farming game Stardew Valley comes to Game Pass that day on console, cloud, and PC.

One more game launches for Game Pass on December 2, and it’s the turn-based strategy game Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector for console, cloud, and PC.

Then on December 7, Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator–in which you buy, sell, and trade organs–comes to Game Pass on console, PC, and cloud as a new release.

Also releasing in December on Game Pass is One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 on console, cloud, and PC (December 9), as well as Aliens: Fireteam Elite for console, PC, and cloud (December 14). Innersloth’s very popular impostor game Among Us also arrives on December 14 for console.

Microsoft normally announces a second wave of Game Pass titles later in the month, so keep checking back for more.

Xbox Game Pass December 2021 Games So Far

December 2

ANVIL — console, PC, cloudArchvale — console, PC, cloudFinal Fantasy XIII-2 — console, PCLawn Mowing Simulator — console, PC, cloudRubber Bandits — console, PC, cloudStardew Valley — console, PC, cloudWarhammer 40,000: Battlesector — console, PC, cloud

December 7

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator — console, PC, cloud

December 8

Halo Infinite — console, PC, cloud

December 9

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 — console, PC, cloud

December 14

Aliens: Fireteam Elite — console, PC, cloudAmong Us — console8 Interesting Xbox Game Pass Games You Probably Haven't Checked OutSee More

About Eddie Makuch

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