Xbox Game Pass Is Losing 11 Games In December

Another month means Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service will receive another batch of brand-new games, but subscribers can expect at least 11 titles to leave before the end of December.

In a blog post, Microsoft revealed the games that will be joining Game Pass, including the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga on December 6, The Walking Dead: The Final Season, Eastward, and more.

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Now Playing: Xbox Game Pass Games Not To Miss

As these games get added on Xbox, PC, and cloud gaming, games such as Lake, Firewatch, and Aliens: Fireteam Elite will be removed on December 15. You can check out the full list below:

Microsoft added that subscribers can use their membership discounts and save up to 20% to keep any Game Pass games in their library.

The company removed 8 titles from its exclusive service across its available platforms on November 30, including Final Fantasy XIII-2, Mind Scanners, Mortal Shell, Archvale, Warhammer 40,000 Battlesector, and more.

Xbox Game Pass Titles Leaving December 15:

Aliens: Fireteam Elite (Cloud, Console, and PC)Breathedge (Cloud, Console, and PC)Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Cloud, Console, and PC)Firewatch (Cloud, Console, and PC)Lake (Cloud, Console, and PC)One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 (Cloud, Console, and PC)Neoverse (Cloud and Console)Race with Ryan (Cloud, Console, and PC)Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (Cloud, Console, and PC)Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (Console) EA PlayTransformers: Battlegrounds (Cloud, Console, and PC)

About Demi Williams

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