Riot Games’ partnership with Xbox Game Pass was announced during the Xbox showcase back in June. And now that we’re nearing the date select PC and mobile Riot games will arrive on the service, the in-game perks for players have been officially announced.
Riot’s League of Legends, League of Legends Wild Rift, Legends of Runeterra, Teamfight Tactics, and Valorant will all be available on Xbox Game Pass starting December 12. Notably, for both League of Legends games and Valorant, Game Pass players will have access to all agents and champions, along with a 20% EXP boost. Though for Wild Rift, the bonuses will not come until January.
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Players who want to just try out Riot’s popular games will benefit from the automatically unlocked full roster of playable characters and EXP bonus. Usually, unlocking characters takes grinding, but with Game Pass, players can skip that process. See the full list of bonuses at the end of the article for more information.
To get the benefits, your Riot and Game Pass accounts must be connected. Instructions on how to do so will be released on December 12.
All current AgentsAccess to every new Agent as soon as they’re released20% Match XP boost given to Battle Pass, Event Pass, and active Agent Contract progress
League of Legends
All 160+ championsAccess to every new champion as soon as they’re released20% XP boost
Legends of Runeterra
All cards in Foundations Set
Teamfight Tactics
1-Star Rare Little Legend Tacticians4 Arena Skins available until April 2023, and 1 Arena Skin that’s on a monthly rotation thereafter
League of Legends: Wild Rift (benefits coming in January):
All 80+ championsDay-one access to every new champion as they’re released20% XP boost
If you link your Riot and Game Pass accounts before January 1, you’ll get the below extra in-game rewards.
Valorant–Pocket Sage BuddyLeague of Legends–Masterwork Chest and KeyTeamfight Tactics–Little Legend Rare EggWild Rift–Random Emote ChestLegends of Runeterra–Prismatic Chest[OLD DON'T LINK] The Best Xbox Game Pass GamesSee More