Xbox Game Studio's Deathloop Is Using The PS5's DualSense In Creative Ways

Deathloop, the latest new IP from Dishonored and Prey developer Arkane, is just around the corner, promising some high-octane antics within its time-loop premise. It’s launching exclusively on PS5 on consoles, which also means it’s taking advantage of many of the features the DualSense has to offer.

In the latest trailer for the shooter, Arkane does a pretty great job of getting across what you can expect to feel from your DualSense while playing. The first is with the controller’s triggers, which will feature different resistances depending on which weapons you’re using to give each a distinct feeling. The triggers will also jam when your gun jams in-game, giving you a tactile response to the event before you must watch Colt, the game’s protagonist, trying to fix it without dying.

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Now Playing: Deathloop – Official Next Gen Gameplay Immersion Trailer

Haptic feedback is also being tuned to make all your actions in-game feel realistic as you make them. The trailer shows how the vibration will change when walking through crunchy snow or how it will mimic the heart rate of an enemy you’re about to take down stealthily. The controller’s speaker is also used to make walkie-talkie chatter a bit more immersive.

All these options can be tweaked and turned off if you like or need, so you won’t be forced into it. But it does show how versatile the DualSense is when used creatively, and how all these features wouldn’t be possible on the Xbox Series controller by contrast. Xbox’s Phil Spencer has praised the DualSense in the past, and not ruled out a revision to the current Xbox controller during this generation.

Deathloop launches on PC and PS5 on September 14. A release date for Xbox Series X|S has not been announced, although it has been confirmed that the exclusivity deal lasts for at least one year.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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