As promised earlier this year, Xbox players no longer need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to access free-to-play multiplayer games, bringing the service closer to what Sony offers with PlayStation Plus. More than 50 games that were previously locked behind the subscription’s paywall are now available to all Xbox players. They include a few unexpected games that we don’t usually think of when we hear “free-to-play.”
The game list includes a huge number of games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Warframe. Some unexpected games like Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Too Human–the latter of which was previously removed from sale after a court ruling–are also included in the list.
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The change came about following players’ displeasure at Microsoft’s plan to raise the price of Xbox Live Gold, though the change wasn’t going to affect those who already had recurring payments turned on. Following the backlash, however, Microsoft decided not to increase the price for anyone and announced that free-to-play games would no longer require Xbox Live Gold.
The new policy puts Xbox more in line with PlayStation, which had already made free-to-play games truly free. It appears Sony could be offering a new perk for PS Plus subscribers, as well, as a video pass leaked from the Polish PlayStation site and listed several Sony movies before being taken down.
Microsoft seems to be putting considerably less emphasis on Xbox Live Gold altogether over the last few years, putting most of its eggs in the Game Pass basket. With a Game Pass Ultimate subscription, you get access to Xbox Live Gold already, along with both Xbox and PC games. Xbox Live Gold isn’t even given its own tab on the Xbox website’s menu anymore, instead being buried within the Game Pass section.
The full list of supported games is below:
3on3 FreeStyleAegis WingAPB ReloadedApex LegendsArmored WarfareBattle AgesBattle IslandsBattle Islands: CommandersBless UnleashedBrawlhallaCall of Duty: WarzoneCrackdownCrackdown 2Crimson AllianceCrossoutCRSED: F.O.A.D.Darwin ProjectDauntlessDC Universe OnlineDead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core FightersDead or Alive 6: Core FightersDefiance 2050Destiny 2Doritos Crash CourseDungeon Defenders IIEnlistedEternal Card GameFamily Game NightFishing PlanetFortniteGalaxy Control: ArenaGems of WarHappy WarsHarm’s WayHawkenHyper ScapeKiller InstinctKorganMinion MastersNeverwinterOutriders (Demo)PaladinsPath of ExilePhantasy Star Online 2Phantom DustPinball FX2Prominence PokerRealm RoyaleRec RoomResident Evil Revelations 2ROBLOXRocket LeagueRogue CompanySkyforgeSMITESpacelordsSpellbreakStar Trek OnlineTechwars Global ConflictTERAThe Four Kings Casino and SlotsToo HumanTroveVigorWar ThunderWarfaceWarframeWorld of TanksWorld of Warships: LegendsYaris