Xbox Mini-Fridge Will Enter Production After Xbox Beats Skittles In Social Media Competition

Xbox has officially won a Twitter battle with Skittles, at that means Xbox fridges–well, mini-fridges–are going to be a real thing. It was a very tight race, but Xbox won by a 50.5% to 49.5% margin.

Microsoft took home the prize as part of Twitter’s “Best Of Tweets” competition that celebrates brands that have a strong social media game. Skittles and Xbox made it to the finals, and Xbox narrowly beat Skittles to take the crown.

Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg urged his followers to vote for Xbox by promising to make Xbox mini-fridges a real product if Microsoft won the contest.

The first Xbox mini-fridge that comes off the production line will go to Skittles, Greenberg said, which is a nice and wholesome thing to do.

Now, Microsoft had already said it was already planning to develop Xbox mini-fridges as a real product you can buy. But this is the first time that Microsoft is promising to release the Xbox mini-fridges as a real product, so it’s a big deal.

The Xbox mini-fridge meme came about because people roasted the Xbox Series X for looking like, well, a refrigerator. Microsoft responded by agreeing that, yes, it does look like a fridge and went as far to create real Xbox fridges and send them to influencers like Snoop Dogg and The Rock, which in turn generated positive buzz for the brand. Those were full-size fridges, however, and a little less practical.

About Eddie Makuch

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