You Can Now Receive Saucy Photos As Part Of Cyberpunk 2077's Romances

Cyberpunk 2077 has just gotten a huge update, adding more content, improving performance on next-gen consoles, and of course, fixing bugs. You can check out everything that the new update added here, but one of the more exciting additions is an expanded romance for Panam that sees her sending the player nude photos as part of her text chain. Warning for NSFW content and mild spoilers.

With all the new content added in Cyberpunk 2077’s patch 1.5, it’s likely players will be uncovering new interactions and hidden secrets for a while yet. One new addition that’s been discovered by a player on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit is an addition to Panam’s romance, which sees her sending a sultry nude photo to the player.

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Though it mostly escaped notice among the huge page of patch notes for patch 1.5, one item notes that the Cyberpunk devs have added “extended romances with Panam, Kerry, River, and Judy by adding new messages and interactions.” The nude photo, which we’ve embedded below, seems to just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of new romance content to be discovered in the updated Cyberpunk 2077.

In a livestream discussing the next gen update, CDPR devs expanded on the extended romances a little bit. While no major content has been added, CDPR has added little details that will make the game’s romances feel more real and intimate. As well as the extended text conversations, this includes moments like having certain love interests wake up beside the player character when you go to sleep in their apartment.

Another new conversation from the updated game has the player chatting with Judy’s grandma about your relationship, and it looks like there’s still plenty more to be discovered in the updated Cyberpunk 2077. One of Judy’s existing text conversations implies she’s taken her own lewd pictures for the player, so its possible that this conversation has been updated to actually include a photo or two.

If you’re more interested in the combat than the romance when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, check out our guide to respeccing your perks with the game’s newly reworked talent trees.

About Hayley Williams

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